"I'm going to go to the market. Want anything else other than the tea?"

Selene shook her head, watching as Mitch grabbed his wallet. "Okay, see you in like fifteen minutes," he said as he left out of the hotel room.

Selene was feeling worse than she let on. She was burning up in the sweatpants she had on, she had an excruciating headache, and she was dizzy. She stood up from the bed, holding the mattress so she wouldn't fall back down. She quickly made her way to her suitcase, grabbing a pair of shorts. She took off the sweatpants and out on the shorts, her head hurting more as she bent down. Once the shorts were on, she made her way back to the bed, drifting off to sleep.

Mitch had came back to the hotel room twenty five minutes later.

"Selene?" he called out. He turned the corner to see the younger woman sleep with her body cuddling the pillow like she always did. He set the bag of groceries on the night stand, placing his hand over her head. She was still burning up. He sighed as he removed his hand from her forehead.

He knew that she was pushing herself to seem better so she couldn't have to skip a concert night.

Her phone's ringtone went off, Selene not even moving an inch. Mitch sighed as he picked it up to look at the Caller ID. It was her dad. He answered it; eventually bringing the phone to his ear.

"Hey Mr. Hills," he spoke.

"Hey Mitch. Where's Selene?"

"She's sleeping right now. She's catching a cold and isn't feeling good."

"Oh tell her I hope she feels better," her dad said as he sighed.

"What were you calling for?" Mitch asked curiously.

"I was gonna tell her that I was coming to the last show but can you keep it a secret now?"

"Of course."

Mitch placed the phone onto the table stand and grabbed the bag, taking the things out of it. He had bought the tea, chips, a stuffed toy and her favorite aloe drink. He grabbed the tea packet and made his way to the kitchen. It only took him a few minutes to make the tea.

"Selene," he called out as he made his way back to the bed. She mumbled something inaudible to him. "Get up kid," he said as he placed the tea on the nightstand. She turned over in the bed so she could see Mitch's face

"I'm gonna to go out with Sarah tonight. You have soup, the tea, and this stuffed animal to keep you company. Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, go ahead," she said, her voice raspy.

"No talking."

"You asked me a question dumbass."

"I'll see you later kid," Mitch smiled as he made his way to the door.

next day

Selene was bored as hell. It was almost three in the afternoon and Mitch was still at his hotel room. He was either hungover or... yeah. Her hair was still somewhat wet from the shower she had just took. She placed her hair behind her ear as she picked up her acoustic guitar. She scrunched up her face as she sneezed, her hair flying everywhere.

She made her way back to the bed, the guitar resting on her lap. She coughed a couple of times before she started to play the guitar. She felt horrible but needed something to occupy her. She softly played "Meet me in the hallway". It was probably her favorite off of the album. She was drawn to the song and didn't know why. It was peaceful yet, somehow you can sense the pain behind it.

She sneezed once more, causing her to mess up the chords as her head flew forward. "Fuck," she mumbled as she sniffled. Her head turned as the hotel door creaked open.


"Nope," the familiar british accent said as he walked in, his hands in his pockets.

"Go to your hotel room," she mumbled as her hands went back on the guitar.

"Why?" he asked as he sat on the bed next to hers. "Because you probably just got off you plane and your probably jet lagged," she answered.

"Your sick and your worrying about me?" he scoffed out. "Did you take your temperature today?"

She nodded. "It's at 102," she said as she play the song again. "I'm not going to the hospital either," she said as she switched her fingers to different chords.

"Your stubborn you know that right?" Harry said as he walked into the kitchen. "Do not yell! Save your voice!" he yelled. Selene rolled her eyes and stood up from the bed so she could walk to the kitchen also. Her feet glided softly against the carpet; so soft that Harry didn't hear her at all.

"What are you making?" she asked, making the taller man jump.

"Holy shit Le. I'm making soup," he said as he grabbed a pot.

"Do you know how?" she asked.


"Did Mitch buy broth? vegetables? Noodles?"

"Apparently he didn't," Harry mumbled as he looked around the kitchen.

"Well I guess we're-" Selene stooped as she sneezed again. "Ordering soup."

The soup didn't take long to arrive at Selene's hotel room. They had ordered two bowls; one for each of them. Selene sat quietly on her bed as the two watched Criminal Minds.

"Who's your favorite?" Harry asked as he set the spoon into the bowl.

"Spencer," she responded, her voice still scratchy. He nodded. "I like Hotch."

"He's hot," Selene shrugged as she took another spoonful of soup.

"Hot? He's old!"

"So? I'd let him-"

"Vocal rest," Harry demanded, making her scrunch her face. "What?" she questioned.

"You are on vocal rest as of right now," he mumbled.

"Why?" she whined.

"Because I don't want to hear the rest of that sentence. And... i'm your boss. So vocal rest," he concluded.

The vocal rest turned into actual rest for Selene as she fell asleep to the sound of the BAU team talking on the tv. Harry ran a hand through his head as his eyes stayed trained on the television.

"Hey Le," he started as he turned to his head to her. Her arm was draped over the pillow; her face snuggled into it. "Selene?"

He paused the show and stood up from the other bed. "Goodnight Le."

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