Remrom Roleplay: Highschool AU: Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

Virgil: Then don't call me V!

Janus: Girls, girls, you're both pretty shut up.

Patton: Hay bee nice ya'll

Logan: It's spelled y'all.

Remus: Hi Lo-Lo. Can you help me with my..predicament(is that the right word?)

Logan: It is.

Logan: And I may be able to help, however I'll need more information.

Remus: Well, I, um...... it's not really my information to give.

Virgil: Who else is gonna give it then, ur bf?

Remus: ...

Patton: omg you have a bf????!!!!!!!!!!! 

Remus: ..No that.. that's not what I meant by that..

Patton: suuuuuuure 👌😉

Remus: I- whatever

Remus: It's Roman info to give you'd need to ask him but he's.. busy rn

Remus: Let me go ask him to log on

Janus: He's at you're house? I thought he was avoiding you?

Remus: ..

Remus: It's kind of a long story.....

Remus: brb

He went back to the closet and crouched down next to Roman who was laying on the ground. He brushed a lock of hair out of his eyes. 

"Roman dear, can you please log on to the group chat? I want to help you but we need their help to do it," he asked gently.

‘I will but only if you stay with me please? I don’t like being alone when I’m panicking’ he signed as he scooted over so Remus could sit with him

Remus pulled his phone back out and went back to the group chat. 

Remus: He said I can tell you guys..

Logan: Splendid, now what seems to be the dilemma?

Patton: can you tell him i said hi?

Roman: ..hi....

Patton: HI KIDDO!!!! 

Remus: Ok so.. I went over to Roman's to ask him why he was avoiding me, and he was covered in bruises and crying..

Patton: 😢😢

Patton: whos been hurting my kiddo??!!!! 🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

Remus: 🙁

Remus: And then our dad came home and stormed up the stairs and Roman pushed me into the closet and our dad yelled at him and called him a fag and beat him up and tried to rape him..

Patton: HE WHAT??!!!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!!!!!!

Virgil: oh my god..

Janus: Why would he do that?!

Remus: ..I can't.. tell you his reasons but.. i stopped our dad before he raped him and we left and took him to the hospital and he had internal bleeding and broken ribs and bruises and burns and scratches all over the place..

Patton: 😭😭😭

Virgil: This is not OK wtf...

Remus: And then he just told me he's been verbally abusing him too. That he told him he was a burden and that he should have succeeded

Patton: at what?

Janus: omg

Virgil: Ro..

Remus: And I don't know what to do to help Roman and make sure our dad pays

Logan: I'll be there in five.

Virgil: Me too

Patton: yeah

Janus: Ditto

Remus: Ok.

Remus put his phone away and hugged Roman tight. "Don't worry, we're gonna get you help,"

“That was just part of what he did when he would come home drunk he would bring others and they would all rape me most nights I wouldn’t be able to sleep because he would rape me all night” he mumbled as he started crying

Remus didn't say anything. Words could not explain the intense negativity he was feeling at the moment. Instead he growled deeply, tightening his hold on Roman. 

"He is going to pay for everything he's done to you. Those other men too. I promise,"

“He sold me into sex trafficking though this guy named Thomas bought me to get me out of it”

"How did he get you back?"

“He took me to school the next day then Dad came to pick me up”

Remus pulled back and looked at Roman. 

"I'm so sorry you've been going through this, Ro," he said solemnly.

“It’s okay Rem” he climbed into his lap and kissed him passionately and tentatively, cupping his cheeks.

Remus smiled and kissed back, placing his hands on Roman's hips.

"What, the, fuck."

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