Prepare to Die of Sadness

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I'm sorry😭😭😭

I sighed as I plopped down on the couch, taking a break from my work to read some fan fiction. It was an average day. I was working at home all day, writing another bestseller. My wife is out of the country, saving lives with her nursing degree. And Thomas Sanders just walked in my front door. I smile to myself as he stands in front of me. 6 years of being best friends with him, but I still feel as ecstatic as when he was introduced to me as my future father in law. I look up from my Sanders Sides fanfic, and into the eyes of 'Logan', clad in his usual black polo, and striped blue tie. Thomas showing up dressed, and acting as one of his sides isn't unusual. It's a multi-daily occurrence actually. It's so much as if his sides are actually real, which would be amazing, but I quickly push those hopes down, knowing it'll never happen. When I meet 'Logan's' eyes, I immediately frown. He looked uncharacteristically uncomfortable. While it might not have been very obvious to anyone else, I could tell immediately.

"Hello, Logan," I greet him. "Are you alright? You don't look so well." He quickly composes himself more, though still failing to hide his worry from me, and takes a shaky breath.

"Salutations, Y/N. Have you by chance seen Remy, lately?" I quirk an eyebrow at him. My god, this man is such an amazing actor.

"Yeah, he brought me coffee and doughnuts at work today. Why?" I explain, playing along as always.

"He's been absent lately. As he is not a side, but rather a function, he usually stays locked up in Thomas' subconscious, only coming out at times of slumber. For his 'shift' per se. However, in the last few days, he hasn't shown up to let Thomas sleep and it's starting to affect all of us. Something is wrong with him, but we can not help him with whatever is bothering him if we can't find him. And now with his absence so negatively affecting all of us, soon we will no longer have the energy to look for him. However, as he's still maintaining contact with you, I deduct that you can help him through whatever dilemma he currently has, and bring him back so we can further help him and/or recharge," he explained in his professional tone. I just stared at him. I swear, I'm dreaming. This seems too in-depth to be improv. I worry Thomas might actually be sleep-deprived, and his creativity has gone overboard.

"Are you sure you're okay, Thomas?" I ask carefully. To this, Thomas huffs.

"Y/N, come on. You're a really smart person. You can't honestly think that Thomas just shows up in his own self-cosplay with a never-ending storyline, can you? You saw Thomas' improv video. You know he's not good at acting on the figurative spot." Is he trying to say what I think he's trying to say?

"We're real, Y/N. Sanders Sides isn't fake, it's real. We're actually parts of Thomas. Physical manifestations of common characteristics, and we, all 8 of us, not 1, need your help," I stare at him with wide eyes. Either Thomas is a sick bastard playing a sick prank on me, which I sincerely doubt, or my life is a lie. Oh my Lanta, my life is a lie. And I'm an idiot. I mean, it's so obvious. I even have 8 different phone numbers for each of them, and they're always acting so suspicious, and... and I have 8 different phone numbers for each of them! I quickly stand up and open my contact list.

"Have you tried calling him?" I ask hurriedly. He lets out a breath at my quick acceptance.

"Yes. We all have, but he won't pick up."

"Have you tried locating his phone?"

"Yes, but when he sees us, he quickly leaves. But with you..."

"...he's not avoiding me so I can call and ask him to meet me somewhere to talk about what's bothering him!" I say, finishing his sentence.

"Yes," he confirms, simply. I quickly dial Remy and put the phone to my ear. As usual, he answers after the third ring.

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