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An ABC fic is a fic in which the first sentence starts with A, the second starts with B, the third starts with C, and so on. It can end at Z or repeat.

“Alright, who stole my Crofters?” Logan shouted, bolting down the stairs and parkouring over the railing. “Berry goodness is gone and whichever one of you committed this heinous crime, know that I will find you, and I will kill you,” he said, his voice dangerously low, which earned frightened looks from each of the sides.

 “Crofters, guys! Delicious Crofters! Exquisite Crofters! Fruity perfection! Goodness of my heart! Heathens! I will not stop until my Crofters is returned. Jelly, the ONLY jelly, I will put in my belly!” he ranted, making the others squirm uncomfortably in their seats. 

“‘Kay,” Patton squeaked quietly.

 “Lovely,” Logan said before storming off to his room.

 “My goodness! Now, who would do such a thing?” Roman said after they heard Logan’s door slam shut. 

“Ok, I don’t wanna know why he’s so fucking attached to a jelly brand, but whoever stole it needs to give it back right now,” Virgil said from the floor.

 “Please, if the jelly thief is in here, please give it back because this whole ‘angry Logan’ ordeal is making me feel… um,” Patton started. “Queasy,” he finished, finding the right word. Roman spoke next.

 “So, if it wasn’t any of us, who could it be?” Thomas walked in the room then and waved at them, eating out of a jar of Crofters.

 “Unbelievable,” Roman said. Virgil groaned and threw his hood on, pulling at the strings.

 “Why, Thomas?” Patton whined, earning a confused look from their host.

 “Xenobiotic!” Remus shouted, randomly appearing out of thin air for no reason, also eating from a jar of Crofters.

 “You did it?! Patton exclaimed.

 “Zabaglione!” is all he said before disappearing again.

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