Background Info

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So, as I said in the summary, your gender is not specified but you do have a wife because I, personally am a lesbian, and, like all my good ideas, this idea stemmed from me being bored and depressed and pretending I had a different life. This just happened to be the first time it was a fanfiction and not some 'Truman Show' shit.

Your wife is a traveling nurse (honestly just because I wanted her out of the picture so I could focus on Thomas) and you're a bestselling author who works from home.

Thomas is still the same, but I'm not that kind of fangirl, and I don't watch many of his videos, so I don't know him as well as a lot of you probably do. The same goes for Remy but I feel like I know enough to keep up his public appearance.

Now to the actual background of the story. You meet your wife when you were 15, but you didn't start dating until you were 18. When she was newly 17, her parents died in a really bad car crash on the highway (like, pushed off by an 18-wheeler into a river, bad), and, as she was still a minor, she needed a legal guardian until she turned 18. She had a choice between her grandparents or her godfather. Her grandparents were rude and extremely homophobic. Her godfather is Thomas. So, obviously, she chose Uncle Thomas. Then you and Thomas meet and become friends through your girlfriend. Simple 'Meet the Parents' dinner but, "Oh my fucking god, it's Thomas Sanders, oh my lord w/n why did you not tell me, oh my god Thomas I fucking love you oh my god!!!" (Que the hyperventilation)

And then when you're 21, you finally propose to w/n, and then Thomas points out at the wedding that you're officially part of the famILY, and cue the "OH MY FUCKING GOD, THOMAS FUCKING SANDERS IS BASICALLY MY MOTHER FUCKING DAD HOLY SHIT MY LIFE IS A LIE" (Dramatic sigh)

Then you and w/n moved to Texas. (1604 N Mars St, Amarillo, Texas to be precise. It's my childhood home, and I want to go back. I live vicariously through my writing, ok?) And Thomas followed suit, getting a house not far from you (like walking distance).

So now you're 24, and you just found out, again, that you're life is a lie, but by god, this time your life may actually be a lie.

Also, this is DLAMPTR.

And I just want to tell you beforehand that they're all a whole head taller than you.

Anyways, I think that's all you need to know beforehand, (I normally would've written a prologue but, I'm lazy.)

Enjoy the next 24 hours of your life. : )

Also this was going to be a story but i decided to just leave it a oneshot for now. so only the next chapter is going to be the story described above. The rest will be other oneshots. And as it says in my summary expect most of them to be songfics or roleplays. 

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