I pushed the door open and stopped seeing the many different boxes that were stacked up in my living room. I walked in and heard popping under my feet. I looked down seeing a roll of bubble wrap and my curiosity grew even more.

"What the hell is this?" I mumbled walking through the mess. I passed a box that had a white sign on it. I picked it up and I felt my anger starting to boil.

"For sale!?" I looked back at Julius who also had a confusing look on his face. "This nigga placed my house up for sale!?" I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and quickly dialed Warren's number.


"This nigga put my house up for sale! My house!" I yelled into the phone. I opened a box seeing that it had in all my wedding photos and any family photos that we ever got framed.

"Okay Beyoncé I'm gonna need you to calm down." I chuckled. "Nah, I've been way too calm. He done got me fucked up messing with the right bitch!" I hung up my phone. I dialed Angie's number and waited for her to answer.


"Get here now."


"I want all his cars sold. Every last one of them." I informed both Angie and Warren.

"Bey you can't do that. You're in the middle of a divorce." Warren tried to reason with me but I had made up my mind. There was nothing he was going to say legally that would prevent me from following my mind.

How dare he sell the home that I built from the ground up? The home that my daughter grew up in? Yeah there were a lot of fucked up memories but that makes it even more memorable. There was no way I would be giving this up that easily.

"Beyoncé just listen fo—"

"I've been listening and all I'm hearing is bullshit. Get them cars sold or you're fired and I'm deadass." I walked off from Warren and into the kitchen. I closed my eyes as I stood in the middle of the kitchen feeling my frustration increase.

"Beyoncé just listen to us for a se—"

I snapped.

"JUST SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP TALKING TO ME!" I shouted. "This nigga has been making my life a living hell since the miscarriage and I'm not about to make him ruin anything else for me so if this is how he wants to play then I am definitely the final level." I walked passed her and out of the room.

I'm not going down so easily and even Jay should know that.

Christopher Brown | Beverly Hills, CA

The first thing I see every morning is my daughter's beautiful face sitting on my nightstand. That made my mornings worth it because she made me happier. She was the first voice I heard every day and I cherished that so much.

Today my baby was turning 4 and I think I was happier than she was. She doesn't fully grasp the understanding of birthdays but it was a reminder to me that my savior walked into my life. I got her the gift she was begging for and I even had another surprised for her. I already dropped her off at school which she wore her tiara and sash. I wanted her to feel like the princess she actually is from the moment she got up until she goes off to bed.

Last night Bey's gift came and I was impressed. She showed out a little bit but I couldn't be mad. I just know that when RoRo sees the gift she's going to go crazy and tire herself out at the end of day which is why she will not see until the day after.

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