Chapter 1

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It had been years since I had been back in LA, the so called City of Angels. The only thing this city had brought me was pain and loneliness, not to mention a one way ticket to Loony Bin no thanks to your parents. Why because i had called them after seeing what you could only describe as a man with wings. They immediately called the psychiatric ward in San Diego and shipped me off before the day was threw. The men in white came in the evening and scooped me out of the comfort of my bed in my small apartment, we where on the road before I could even realise what was happening.

Needless to say 6 months of drugs that made me feel well like i was on cloud 9 and the awful group therapy, I was happy to be done with it and my parents. As soon as I had been checked out I blocked my parents numbers.

I signalled the taxi driver to pull over out the front of the first club that caught my eye, I had no where to go my house was cleaned out by my parents and my landlord had already moved in his new tenants. Why not drink my troubles away with what money I had left. I paid the Taxi driver and slipped out of the Cab promptly shutting the door behind me.

Lux. It was well teeming with life. It was very very full. I still don't know how exactly I got in past the bouncers, but here I was B lining straight to the bar.

"Your new here," a velvety voice called snapping me out of the slippery slope known as my thought train. "To Lux yes, LA not so much its just been awhile its a long and boring story." I responded meeting the gaze of the bartender talking to me. I did a subtle double take as I took in the view of the tall dark and attractive woman in front of me. She chuckled at me, "from someone as good looking as you i doubt it was boring, what ya drinking?" She asked placing a glass in front of me. "Suprise me." I grinned.

Was I flirting? Yes. Had it been a long time since I'd last seen such an attractive woman? Also yes. Did I probably sound rusty and cheesy? Yes, make that extra cheesy with a side of cheese fries.

"Your drinking alone tonight?"  I nodded in response, "and for the foreseeable future" I chuckled. "Now that hardly seems fun." That sounded like an invite to me. Was she flirting with me? Is she just being nice? Is she extending her hand to me?...Wait what? I looked up shaking myself out of my train of thought.  "Mazikeen" she spoke. "Maze..." i muttered to myself taking her hand into mine. "Oh uh sorry my mind wanders sometimes, I'm (Y/N)." Yeah it wonders a whole lot thanks to the psychatric wards magical pills. Turns out taking a cocktail of pills on the daily for a problem that didn't exist works wonders for the old cognitive function.

"That to" Mazikeen mused.  "Oh  I wasn't saying that in my head" I grimaced as I took a swig of my whisky. "Well I'm not normally one for talking but this one sounds like a good story," her grin was enticing and something told me whatever she would ask of me next i'd follow along. "Come this way and tell me some more." I watched as she walked towards an empty booth cut off from the rest of the club by half a curtain and some of those ropes you see at VIP events. Picking up my whisky I followed Mazikeen towards the booth.


"And all this because you saw some wings" Maze laughed. "Maze I dont know what to tell you other then those drugs made me feel all kinds of funny, i don't even know what i saw anymore and i couldnt careless," I smirked. Yeah I'm now using what actually turned out to be her nickname. Who would have guessed my deranged rambling would amount to something actually correct. "So your parents took everything and left you with little more than the clothes on your back." Maze took a swig of the bourbon she had just finished pouring herself. "Yep I'm pretty sure they expected me to go running back to them but in reality they just made it easier to cut all ties" I downed what was left of my whisky. "But honestly I'll be fine." I grinned. Less the fact that I was currently sat in a private booth of a club drinking the last of my money away. "And that's why your hear drinking with me?" She raised her eyebrow. God was that sexy and that scar through her eyebrow that was well attractive. "I'm enjoying your company and the liquor is a nice little extra."

I felt her lips pressed against mine before i even knew what was happening. I couldn't bring myself to push her away, something in me craved her. That dark aura that surrounded her the air of mystery drew me in. Fuck this was hot the way she dominated me with just a kiss leaving me wanting more.

"We she should get out of here." All I could do was nod in response i was breathless, I didn't even give a second thought as to where we were going i just had to go.


"Mmmm" i groaned as i pulled the blankets further over my head, I definitely drank to much. "This bed is so comfy," i muttered groggily, "wait bed shit where am I!!" I shot up from under the covers which I instantly regretted as my head screamed at the sudden movement. The memories of last night came back in patches, i remembered leaving the club with Maze the bartender but then what. At least I knew vaugly where I was now but where was Maze? I looked over to the bedside table where there was a note on top of a set of clothes.

Last night was fun gorgeous, you seemed like you needed the sleep so I didn't wake you. Especially after last night.

"Last night wait did we!" I looked at my torso cool so bra still on check, I lifted the blanket off my lower half. Panties also check.

Haha im sure you thought we slept together, we shared the bed but other than a hot make out session that's all we did. There are a set of clean clothes under this note just leave yours on the floor. Once your decent come back down to lux and ask for lucifer. He'll be expecting you ask him for a favour he'll help you out.

Lucifer? Did he think he was the devil? And favours? Okay I needed to stop thinking so much it was just making the rave happening in my head worse. I grabbed the clothes on the side and unfolded them. Well these are...definitely more skin tight than  I'd like, but what choice did I have my clothes probably smelt horrendous. I slipped out if the bed and pulled the clothes over my semi naked form. "Where are my shoes?" I grumbled searching the floor for them. I came across a pair of black pumps surprisingly in my size, I slipped them in a did up the straps up around my ankels.

Grabbing my purse I headed towards the door, catching my appearance in the mirror near the door I ran my fingers through my long purple hair getting rid of my bed head. There where a set of keys left on the wardrobe by the door along with my purse i grabbed them and locked the door behind me as I left. I had no idea where I was exactly but thankfully I could hail a taxi to take me to Lux. I checked my purse, I still had all my cash Maze hadn't charged me a dollar for all the whisky i drank last night. At least it meant I definitely had enough for a cab.

I hailed one down gave my destination and sat silently for the entire ride occasionally trying to pull the top of the dress up a bit, it bothered me how much cleavage it showed.

Mazakeen (Maze) x Reader - In love with a demonWhere stories live. Discover now