The Crown Game pt. 2 + after

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"What's up with Khun? His head itchy or sumthin' ?" Endorsi comments as she watches Khun fiddle with his hair for the ninth minute in a row.

"He wanted to ensure more hair is pulled up on one side so he "makes full use of his charms", apparently."

"...Wow. Doesn't that bastard know his fans would love him either way?"

"Well, that's just how he is. You gotta admit he looks really good with a ponytail though," Shibisu squints, "Ya think I should snap a shot to tweet?"

Endorsi huffs at the suggestion, "His fans'll go feral, dude. Don't do it."



"Don't come any closer!"

"Someone, go get my knife!"

"Hoh, go get your horn!"


Lero-ro sweatdropped at the infestation of teens (Rak, once again, does not count as an adult) huddled protectively around Bam, finding himself unable to tell them off like he usually does.

"I've already told Hwaryun to be softer when she does it, but there is a limit to how painless she can make it..."


"We protecc Bam!!"

"Be gone, thot!"

Knowing that there was no way he could remove that scene from the series, the director couldn't help but let out another sigh. "You guys do know that Bam's still going to "die" at the end, right?"

The crew halted their riot and gasped.

"How dare you!"

"We do not speak of that!!"

Khun held Bam closer and whispered affectionately, "Bam, be a good boy and push Rachel down at the last episode, okay?"

Lero-ro felt a vein pop at the statement obviously whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. "Khun, you rascal! I can hear you!"


"Hey, blue turtle! Did you bribe that fluttering turtle too?"

"No!" Khun replies as he dodged. The wire lifts him up, giving him a chance to hit Changsoo with a barrage of knives, "They came from a different testing area! I wouldn't have time for that!"

"Then..." Rak headbutts Goon and grabs him by the neck. The spear bearer lifts the latter up just as he hears Shibisu and Anaak comment from their cell.

"This bitch empty--"

On instinct, Rak excitedly shouted "YEET" before flinging Goon at the wall.

"CUT!" Lero-ro roars into the speakerphone, causing high-pitched feedback to resound through the venue. He offhandedly drops the speakerphone, yelling at the exact same volume even without it.

"SHIBISU AND ANAAK, THERE IS NO BATTLE MUSIC TO COVER UP YOUR COMMENTARY!! AND RAK," Lero-ro, too tired to care about how the two teens were giggling away instead of looking repentant, snaps his head over to said adult, "THAT WAS CLEARLY NOT YOUR LINE!!"


"You mean you've never pretended to sleep before?"

Bam gives a look of confusion, "No?? Why?"

The teens placed a hand to their mouth.

"You're such a good kid, Bam. We're so proud." Shibisu feigns a sniffle as he patted Bam's shoulder.

Khun looks up from his phone. "I've never done that either."

The group shifts their attention to the blue head. Endorsi narrows her eyes. "I refuse to believe that."

Shibisu mirrors the gesture and supplies, "He probably set up traps or something so that no one would check up on him."

The others eyed Khun for a sign of confirmation.

Khun grins.

"Y'all sure know me well," Khun said. He looks at the clock and stands up, "Come on, Bam. It's time for our scene."

Khun's answer only truly settled in after the two was a distance away.

"Wait... seriously?"


"You look happy, Bam. What's up?" Endorsi asks.

Bam beams and holds up two fingers in a peace sign. "I'm just playing dead for today!"

The brunet turns to the lethargic actor beside him. The two wiggled their eyebrows with a strange sense of kinship.

"Sleeping budssss!" Bam and Lauroe cheered as they high-fived each other. Khun rolls his eyes fondly at the pair and finishes bandaging Bam's head.

"If I'm not wrong, Khun'll be playing dead for the whole of a future arc won't he?"

The group immediately quietens down and all eyes trailed to the blue head. Hands were brought up to mouths as everyone feigned pained gasps and offered their deepest condolences to Khun.

"...Excuse you, I'm still very much alive."

"Sshhh," Shibisu casually waves Khun off, "if you're up to date, you'd know that Khun x Death is quite a popular ship as well."


The others intentionally weeped louder, some reaching for the tissue box to wipe at nonexistent tears.

Khun raised an eyebrow.

To which no one paid attention to.

"...Last station arc..."

"War flashbacks..."

Endorsi laughs. "I'm afraid I'm gonna have to stop y'all before the angsting begins."


*kneels down and bows* I've disappeared for 7 months now and I really apologize ;;;;; I also ran out of ideas so the upcoming chapters might be even cringier,,,

on a side note, thank you so much for the votes and comments over these few months!

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