The Red Door

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They lost the battle


How pitiful


How can you feel bad for them?

A disgrace to the family

The jeers of his 'family members' echoed in his head, sounds he couldn't shut out even if he closed his ears. The rain pelted down heavily on him, each drop hammering down on his conscience as if punishing him for his betrayal. The dull pain from his fall quickly fades, and he slowly gets up, taking in the miserable sight of himself, previously clean clothes now stained with mud.


My dear son, listen well. You mustn't believe what anyone says.

He helps himself up, remembering his mother's words that were etched so deeply within him, even more so than the taunts of others.

The moment we show weakness, we'll die.

Cover your ears, close your heart, and find the best path.

He walks.

To where, he doesn't know.

He doesn't look up. There isn't a need to.

Whether he's even walking the best path, he doesn't know either.

You can only trust yourself.

"Cut! Great job, Khun." Lero-ro says, motioning for the staff to clean up.

"I can only trust myself because who knows when any of y'all are gonna bully me," Shibisu sniffed through exaggerated tears, arms wrapped around him as if to console himself. The crew snickered upon the comment, some giving Shibisu a pat on the shoulder, to which Shibisu dramatically hugs back in gratitude. (The malicious glints in the eyes of the usual culprits goes by unnoticed.)



"Drowning in a wretched love."

"Such a pitiful man."

"Fooled by Lady Maria and betrayed."

And among the hateful whispers, came Maria's voice, eyes hidden behind her pale blue bangs. She smiles---the smile that he was so familiar with, one that he is unable to distinguish between sincerity and deceit---and softly mouths, "My Aguero."

"He was used."

Gazing at her with dazed eyes--eyes that knew not betrayal--he slowly reaches out for her.

Another hand shoots out to grab his wrist, cold and unfamiliar fingers a stark contrast from his body temperature. With one hand gripping Khun's, the newcomer bends down, using his free hand to lift the board from the table. "Alright you guys, I think that's enough Monopoly."

"--you loseee," Maria taunts, putting down her cards with a satisfied smirk.

"Maria you traitorrrrr--" Khun accuses as he childishly points to Maria, his hand still trying to wiggle its way out of Lero-ro's grip.

"Noooo we were just getting to the good part!!" Endorsi whines.

"How often would one witness Khun of all people losing a game of Monopoly."

"But that's before Maria played with us, wasn't it."

"I guess it does run in the family."

"The Khuns are cold and cunning in their strategies."

"That's enough of the whispering effects-- How did you rascals even steal the mic anyway?!" Lero-ro questions, trying not to sound too astounded.

"We were practicing our lines, director. The mic makes it more realistic." Shibisu reasons, blinking innocently.

"I'm the director and I am very sure that none of those were your lines."



At the sound of his name, Khun lifts his gaze to meet the other's.

"This ceiling is rather bright, isn't it?" Bam asks, not taking his eyes off the sky.

Khun cocks an eyebrow at the statement, before his expression mellows into a smile.

"Not as bright as you, my sun."

Lero-ro lets out what seemed like a muffled cry.


"You kids look extremely distressed," A 'fluorescent plastic bag' (as quoted from Khun) says, stretching its rubbery neck so as to insert itself in between Khun and Bam. Khun glares at the new appearance with disdain while Bam jolts in surprise. The two actors do not last long before both their lips start to quiver.

"I'm stressed because Mr Lero-ro is going to kill us if we don't stop laughing but how can anyone not--" Bam manages out, feeling guilty yet at the same time not.


"So... why am I here?" Khun inquires, taking in the fact that Shibisu is making him stand with his back facing the door. He receives a mischievous grin in return, and Shibisu proceeds to call out, "Hatz!"

The door swings open and promptly slams onto Khun, causing him to fall over. The victim snaps his head back with a string of curses, about to demand an explanation.

Satisfied at the reaction, Shibisu and Hatz gave a smug look and snobbishly recited in unison, "You need companions who will open doors without hesitation."

"Oh it. is. on."

One room away, a certain director hears the chaos that erupted once again and mutters under his breath, "I really wish the shinsu wall could've culled all of you then and there."


"Hey did anyone see Hansung?"

"He went to the toilet."


"Well, considering how he's drinking coffee every second, I'm not surprised."

"His character is probably either really dehydrated or just dead inside."

"...Ya think he's... like, really thirsty?"

Bam creased his eyebrows at the giggles that promptly erupted, feeling lost in the conversation. He opens his mouth, intending to ask when he feels a pair of hands cover his ears. He looks back to meet sapphire blue eyes. The other retained a poker-face as he impassively watched their friends bicker. Noticing the brunette's confusion, Khun shifts his gaze to meet Bam's and simply says, "You need not listen to this."


Hansung lifts his head in pride, shamelessly admitting, "I really am a genius."

"No, you're not," Someone retorts offscreen. The other actors vigorously nodded in agreement, and Lero-ro for once does not show any hint of annoyance at the interruption, instead following suit. 

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