1F: Headon's Floor

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"...Here we are...I hope Headon doesn't notice us..." Evan sighs, trudging after the overly-energetic princess as she once again attempts the most impossible feats. They finally reach the first floor after what seemed like an eternity, and the sight of the window that showed what transpired on the floor puts Evan's mind to (much-needed) rest.


"Look, Evan! It's Headon and the new guy!" Yuri calls out as she enthusiastically watches the new presence in the tower. They seemed to be discussing the details of the first test. Yuri observes the new boy and gives a skeptical look. "Hmm...He doesn't look special at all..."

Upon hearing Yuri's line from the other side of the green screen, Bam drops his head and mutters, "That's because I'm not..."

"Cut! Bam oh for Pete's sake, it's just a script. Please don't pay any mind to it." Lero-ro sighs as he stops the cameras.

Bam turns to face said director and nods his head before his attention is caught by the many hands waving at him from behind Lero-ro. Endorsi proceeds to make a heart-shape over her head, and Shibisu gives him two thumbs-ups, mouthing "you're doing good" along the way. Rak was tall enough for him to notice even without the waves, and the tall man who was in the middle of putting on his alligator-head prop (how he sees through those small eye-holes was beyond Bam) merely flexes his arm and pats his muscles with his other hand.

Bam beams at the encouragement of his fellow actors and turns back to facing Headon.

"And... take two, Action!"


"Argh! Besides!! He won't take the test so it doesn't matter!" Yuri argues frustratedly. Evan takes another look through the window and spots the Irregular breaking into a sprint.

"But look at him, he's...running?"

Yuri turns to look at the said brunette before she suddenly crouches down to whisper to her fellow companion, "Or I guess you could say that he's heading on ,"


"Get it?" Yuri whispers again as her eyes flitted to Headon.

"Yes, but that was unnecessary." The silver dwarf deadpans as he hears the snickers from the crew in addition to a certain director's groan.


He knows the danger that awaited him. He knows that the monster ahead could kill him in the blink of an eye. But he runs anyway. He feels the lactic build up again from his earlier chase for Rachel, but he could never stop chasing her. Not when she was his reason for happiness, the light that brightened his days in that dark cave.

His eyes meet that of the monster's, and he steels himself, before--


---the sight before him is replaced with the bottom of a shoe which promptly collides with his face.

The crew winces.

Evan clasps his hands together and mutters an "Amen". The other actors off-set followed suit.



"More importantly, is Bam okay??"

Lero-ro watches a replay of the scene and glances at Evan. "That wasn't in the script, was it?"

Evan exhales tiredly, "Nope, it wasn't."

Lero-ro contemplates for a second before lifting his head up, "Well that was an unexpectedly good scene excluding the casualty. It's fortunate that we had the wires on Yuri. The rest of you behind me, go get some ice for Bam."


"Isn't it unrealistic for the shoeprint on Bam's face to disappear so quickly?"

"It can't be helped, Bam got a nosebleed from that..."

"That's true."

"Also, how does Yuri even tie her hair for the ribbon to actually stay up like...that."

"It's a ribbon tied around a ring."

"Oh I see...wait a sec, who even uses a ring to tie their hair?"

"Anime. Don't question, man."

Lero-ro feels a vein pop at the incessant conversation taking place behind and instantly snaps his head back with a glare to shut them up.


"Lady Yuri, why did you lend him the Black March, of all things?"

Evan doesn't get a reply to the question. He gives the said person a scrutinizing gaze, "Don't tell me... you fell in love with that boy at first sight?"

"Well, I would."



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