The Crown Game

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"We'll film Shibisu, Serena and Hoh's fight first, then Hatz's side next. Are there any questions regarding your scripts?"

At the shake of the actors' heads, Lero-ro gives the camera crew a gesture to get ready. He gets an affirmative signal from the cameramen, and was just about to exit the scene when his sight hovered over to the lavish recording device. Recalling the very unfortunate incident from the last filming session, Lero-ro instantly turned back to face a certain raven, "Hatz!"

Said person follows the call of his name, meeting the worrying stare of his director.

"Please remember to toss the sword in the correct direction this time."

"Give up. I can attack the throne from anywhere," Lauroe threatens as he lowered his hand, but not his guard as he readied himself should he have to attack again. The threat falls on deaf ears, only further enraging the person atop the throne. Anaak grits her teeth, eyes shadowed by her bangs as she swings her weapon and coldly commands, " Ignition."

The weapon continues its course and whips its owner, causing multiple muffled "Oof"s to sound from the audience. Anaak maintains her icy demeanor, waiting for the usual "Cut!" from the director. The signal comes shortly after and Anaak visibly slackens.

"Lucky we have the special effects team to make it seem as if Green April stopped huh..."

"Then again, Anaak's adapting really well considering she's using a fucking fishing rod of a prop. Makes me wonder what kind of childhood she even had."

"I'm no pokemon nerd but Lauroe looks like a fucking Metapod, just more active ."

Bam and Rak snorts at the accuracy of the statement.

"Wangnan will be happy to hear that."

"Oh, is he selected already?"

"Probs. We still have a long way till the second season, anyway."

"...You think Bam will be okay with that part?" Hatz asks with a concerned tone, knowing the difficulty of having to act about a "berserk weapon". A simple action of shaking the prop, if not for the need to sneak in bits of authenticity. The person beside tilts her head at the question, unsure of what the swordsman was referring to.

"The one where Black March goes berserk."

"Oh," Endorsi contemplates a while before recalling how prior to this, they had all crowded around Bam, his hands planted on a washing machine operating at top speed, and watched him rattle away for an hour.

"For authenticity," Shibisu had suggested in the most matter-of-fact tone, looking like the smartass he wasn't as he nodded with his eyes closed and arms crossed.

"Well, considering how we had to resort to what we did... ah scrap that I'm sure he'll be fine, Bam's no amateur."

"I know why, that thing must want to fight me!"

"Yeah yeah."

Bam chuckles at his teammates' antics, taking his mind off the berserk weapon before his senses flared up at the incoming danger. "Khun, watch out!" Bam immediately calls out as the amethyst bars exploded, enveloping their surroundings with dust. "Why ," A voice which they recognized as Anaak's, demanded, " Why do you have the Black March?"

Eyes widening as he registered her words, Bam choked out, "W-what?"

Tension hung in the air as the smoke from the explosion slowly dissipated. Before either actor could say their next line, an itch tickled at their nostrils and neither could stop the outburst that followed. Khun and Rak shortly accompanied the two wielders of the 13-month series in their sneezing fit.

"Cut! " Confused at the sudden (sneeze) outbreak, Lero-ro called for the cut and went over to the scene. "What's goin-- is that pepper I smell?..."

The lack of response was all the director needed to connect the dots. Lero-ro huffs and turns to the other bystanders. "Ok own up, which one of you messed with the fog machine?"

"How is Khun allowed to use actual knives what the fuck-- "

"Apparently he was skilled enough to throw them all on target and they wanted to save on props--"

"The director's trust in him scares me," Changsoo murmurs, cleaning the fake blood off his arm.

"I think more than that, he just wants to murder us all while he's at it," The other shuddered.

Hatz narrows his eyes as he seethes, "Earrings."

Khun returns the gesture, "Damn samurai, don't forget that I'm the only one here with a real weapon."

"Oh, you mean that measly kitchen tool?"

"You have no idea how scary kitchens can be." Khun hisses out.

"You two are literally holding plastic fucking forks." Anaak intervenes, though slightly amused at the exchange.

"The usual." Shibisu comments, chewing his food as the group watches the two have a staring deathmatch over the last pack of Oreos.

"Is no one gonna talk about how Khun actually made the word 'kitchen' sound threatening?"

"Khun makes anything sound threatening."

"I got an extra from the director, you can have it if you want!" Bam beams, holding out his Oreo packet to his tablemate. Khun offers a gentle smile in gratitude, before turning back to face Hatz with an expression that seemed to say "you got off easy, this ain't the end".

"Well, at least our lunch breaks are eventful I guess," Endorsi concludes.

"Sucks to be a chibi." Khun groans, putting on a headband with small devil horns.

"Too bad you're evil, then. Shut up and stuff the pillows."

"Cut! Rachel, that was too long a pause."

Rachel, expression still shadowed by her hood, made no attempt to look up. Endorsi turns around upon the continued silence, equally confused, just about to lift the hood off the blonde when she hears the other slowly respond.

"...Director, I deeply apologize but I think my neck cramped from looking down the entire time."

"After that sneeze-fest just now, I really can't help but think your cousin's name sounds like a sneeze," Rak pointed out as the Regulars watched the filming of Yuri and the other adults.

"You mean Hachuling? Oh. Yeah, I agree. He sure landed himself in a chill role," Khun sighed.

Lero-ro makes a grim face as he eyeballs the so-called "Yu Hansung Special Caffe Latte".

"Yep, definitely not drinking this," Lero-ro mumbles as he slides the coffee packet under the seat cushion.

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