Harry didn't like the attention that came from his fame, and he didn't like the way no one could see past it. Ginny could, he reminisced sadly.

"Harry. Potter!" The receptionist squeaked.

Harry groaned, even the medical professionals acted like fools. He walked to the front desk, and put on his "No time for fan nonsense" voice. "Yes. I am here for the psychological experiment."

"Of course sir." The man cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed. "Please follow me, right this way."

Harry followed him, passing 5 rooms before they stopped in front of a pair of doors.

"The experiment is being held through these doors sir. Please sign out at the front desk when you are ready to leave." The receptionist said, making a hasty exit.

Harry sighed and opened one of the doors, stepping inside. He walked in the room, it was less well-lit than the rest of the hospital, and reminded him of a house rather than a hospital. It smelled differently in here too, like candy and pumpkin juice. And was that- a hint of cologne? That's odd, Harry thought, I didn't put cologne on this morning.

He walked further into the room, where in the middle of it, was a single chair. It had a note stuck on it, "Subject, please sit here." He scoffed, now not only was he being used, but he was referred to as Subject?

He stood behind the chair instead of sitting in it. He heard fast footsteps from behind, and the cologne smell got stronger. Then, a familiar voice.

"Potter. Can't you read? It says sit down, does it not?" Draco Malfoy said, a hint of humor in his tone.

Chapter 2: I'm Leaving. Now.

Harry turned around, Malfoy still looked as elegant and proper as ever. The only change would be that his hair wasn't slicked back, it was loosely tossed.

Harry looked at Malfoy and then at the doors behind him. He made a run for it. He ran to the doors and skidded down the hallway to the front desk.

"Quick! Give me that sign out sheet! I am 100 percent ready to leave right now!" He told the receptionist breathlessly.

The man behind the desk was shocked. He was aware that the experiment was supposed to last at least 45 minutes. There was no way Mr. Potter could be done already. Especially after factoring in what the experiment was.

Nonetheless, he handed Harry the sign out sheet and a pen.

Harry frantically wrote his name on the paper. It wasn't writing, the pen wasn't writing! He shook it, and tried again, it still wasn't working. He heard footsteps nearing him, moving quickly, but not running.

Why me?? Harry inwardly sobbed. "This pen doesn't work, is there another I could use?" He asked the receptionist quickly.

"Um, let me look." He said, pushing his chair away from the desk and looking in the cabinets.

"Ah. That won't be necessary Terry." An aristocratic voice said from behind.

Harry nearly cried. The receptionist, Terry, looked up. Harry shook his head, "No, it is absolutely necessary, because I am leaving right now. And unless you would like me to leave without signing out, I need a pen."

Terry was torn, he could either give Harry the pen, have helped Harry Potter, and suffer the consequences; or, he could listen to his boss therefore ensuring his job and perhaps a raise. He sat back down in his chair and rolled back up to the desk.

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