New School

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Ugh, yet another new school. I've been kicked out of the last 3. I begged my parents to just let me quit but they refused. My mum registered me and the office lady informed me of the dress code. She probably thought I wouldn't listen to it anyway, in which case she's right. I could careless. Then a guy walked me to my class, he was just a little shorter than me. Very tan with a few tattoos I could see once he took his letter jacket off. Very muscular, it was obvious he played a sport of some kind. I figured he was the typical douchey football player.

"This is your first class." He said and then walked back to the office.

I still never got his name. Oh well, I walked into the class and begun talking to the teacher. I handed her my papers from the office.

"Class this will be your new classmate Luke." she said presenting me to the class. Ugh, I hated when teachers did this. Like I want everyone staring at me.

"Luke why don't you tell us about yourself? Any hobbies? What brings you here?"

I just wanna take a seat. But I'll play her little game.

"I'm here because I've been kicked out of my last 3 schools." I said rather annoyed and earning a few shocked faces, some more like disgusted. I mean what's the point of lying?

"As for hobbies I skateboard, play guitar, and write songs. Nothing big." I shrugged while saying the last part.

"Well um welcome to South High. You can take a seat there." She said pointing me to a desk in the back corner of the room. I took my seat and then took a look at the other students. They all looked pretty poshy. Except for the girl next to me. She looked pretty hot.

She had long, curly black hair and big green eyes. She was wearing a Nirvana tank with skinny jeans and black vans.

I could tell she didn't fit in with the rest of this posh school but I liked how she wasn't afraid to be her and I knew I'd have to talk to her. The teacher then told us to get into pairs for a worksheet. Everyone moved into pairs except the girl next to me. I looked to her and shot her a confident smile.

"I guess we're partners then."

"I guess so." she sounded almost disgusted. That was odd. I'm not narcissistic or anything but girls usually saw my piercings and tattoos and odd colored hair and were eager to know me better.

"I'm Luke."

"Jaden." she said with an attitude. I could tell she was gonna be difficult.

"I love that name."

"Look why don't I just save you the time. I'm just a fucked up girl trying to get through life."

"Do you really think that of yourself?" I asked curiously.


"But why?"

"Look I'm not gonna tell a total stranger all of my problems. You don't really give a shit anyway so let's just do the stupid worksheet."

Normally I would have just brushed that off and left her alone but she was different. I wanted to know what made her act this way. Like she couldn't trust anyone.

We finished the worksheet first thanks to Jaden. She was very smart it seemed. I brought the worksheet to the teacher and walked back to my seat then looked up at the clock. 8:20, we still have 20 minutes in this class.

"So you like Nirvana?" I tried to talk to her again.

"Didn't I make it clear that I don't want to talk?" She said rolling her eyes and pulling out her phone.

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