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The truth was finally out... well, some of it. But, Jessica's heart still wrenched with sadness and confusion. She was sickened to think she'd jumped to conclusions with Hugh, but vastly relieved that she'd been wrong. Unfortunately, that still presented a more significant issue. She was supposed to be in love with Wyatt, not Hugh. Until she could sort out her feelings between the two men, she wouldn't tell either of them I love you. It was wrong to love two men at the same time, and yet, she loved each one for different reasons.

Before she and Hugh had followed the stairs leading to the underground hideout, Hugh had hurried to his office to retrieve his pistol and knife. He gave the knife to her, and he carried the gun. She did feel safer with a weapon, but it frightened her to think she might have to actually use it. He made sure the secret door was closed so that nobody else could follow.

Hugh led the way, and she held onto his arm. The warmth from his body brought her a small amount of comfort – not as much as when she was in his arms, but it would still help.

Using the lamp that sat in the supply room to take with them, it lit the way in the darkened tunnel that seemed to go on and on. They didn't speak to each other, which was fine. She'd rather not have anyone sneak up on them if she could help it.

Voices echoed from inside the tunnel. Both she and Hugh stopped. She moved closer to him, tightening her hold on his arm. After a few moments, Hugh continued their journey. Slowly, the tunnel became lighter, so Hugh quickly put out the lamp. From the upward slope they were walking, Jessica wondered if they were coming closer to outside. Wherever they were heading, had many windows.

Hugh stopped again and leaned down to her ear. "I know where we are."

His warm, whispered breath, teased her skin and made her shiver. "Where?"

"The old barn that's about a fourth mile behind the hospital."

She tried to remember the land around the hospital. "Do you mean Mr. Clarkson's stable and livery?"

He nodded, motioning in front of him up the tunnel. She peeked around him and was finally able to see something besides dirt walls. Stacks of hay and wooden gates were not far ahead. She also noticed a few horses in locked stalls. Beyond that, were men sitting on crates that surrounded a rickety table. She recognized Deputy Workman immediately, but the other four men, she didn't know.

Taking her by the hand, they crouched and hurried to the closet stack of hay to hide behind. Hugh placed her in front of him as the huddled, his arms wrapped around her, keeping her safe.

He moved his mouth near her ear again, and she wanted to sigh dreamily. How could he make her feel this giddy when Wyatt couldn't?

"Two of the men at the table," Hugh whispered, "are men I recognize in town. Mr. Clarkson owns the livery, of course, but one is the blacksmith and the other works at the Merchantile."

She turned her head slightly to look into his eyes, and yet, her gaze dropped to his tempting mouth. "What do we do now?"

"We listen, and hopefully, we can figure out what they are doing and how it fits in with Laura... and Wyatt."

She touched his arm, loving the muscles beneath her palm. "I need to tell you something about Wyatt."

"I know," he whispered."

She inhaled a nervous breath. "What do you know?"

"That you still love him."

Her heart wrenched, wishing she didn't have to see his dejected expression. "It's hard to stop. We've known each other for so long."

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