Chapter 2

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The two boys stood in the middle of, what seemed to be woods, and before then was a busted car that they crashed into a tree.

"You think it'll explode?" Craig asked. He was shirtless, and had a worried tone to his voice.

" It's not a film dude." Kenny replied. He seemed to have a much calmer and soothing tone, as if trying to relax Craig.

A few hours earlier, Kenny was screaming at the top a his lungs, while hanging his head out the window. Craig rolled his eyes at his friends display of strident, and continued to stare at the endless road. Once Kenny peeked his head back in the car, he had a big grin on his face, and said,

"Ya know what freedom smells like? Cow shit!".

"Seatbelt!" Craig responded.

"Fuck seatbelts!".

The two shared a happy silence, before the blonde spoke again,

"So, what do ya reckon we do now Craigory?"

Craig shrugged, not really putting much thought into his answer. Kenny rolled his eyes and tried encouraging more chitchat out of the raven.

"Craig, we can literally do anything!"

"I dunno man. We can smoke."

" We always smoke! Let's do something fun together!"

Craig thought for a moment, before the answer came to him.

" There's a laser tag place up ahead."

Kenny looked forward, and smiled with his big toothy grin.

"Perfect! Onward Craigo!"

"Where do you get these nicknames?"

"I dunno, they just pop in my head, and I say them. What, you want a cuter nickname?"

" Ew, no."

They pulled into the laser tag place, and seemed to be the only two there. Kenny didn't mind, and he skipped into the arena like a child, with Craig following after. They played aggressively for about an hour, pulling out their animalistic instincts to sneak up behind each other. They had fun, and, almost ironically, Kenny got the most kills. Once the game was done, they were tired and sweaty from all the play.

"I'm hungry!" Kenny whined.

"You and your stomach dude, alright, let's stop somewhere to eat."

They pulled into a McDonald's drive thru, and scanned the menu.

"Can I get a happy meal?" Kenny pleaded. Craig looked at his with a questioning look, possibly wondering how serious those words were.

"Dude, youre how many years old, and you want a happy meal?"

"What? It's cheaper, plus you get a toy."

" You are so immature."

A voice spoke, asking their orders, ad Craig immediately responded,

"Hi, can I get 2 happy meals, one with 20 piece nugget and one with a cheeseburger, and a large Coke please."

" Of course, is that all for today sir?"

" Yes."

" Okay, that'll be $14.96, wanna round that up to $15.00 to help Kids Cancer treatment."

" Um, sure."

" Alrighty then, you can pay at the window."

" Ok, thank you."

When Craig looked back in the car, Kenny shot him a smug look.

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