Chapter 1

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Craig's PoV

My name's Craig, and I'm pretty sure my worlds falling apart right in front of me.
My wonderful boyfriend, Tweek Tweak, who I love so much and would die for, is trying to break up with me. He invited me to his house to "talk" but I knew something was wrong. Somethings been wrong for a while, it was just overlooked, ignored, and never mentioned. He'd avoid me for days, and missed days of school in chunks. I tried asking him about it once, but he lashed out at me, telling me to "mind my own business" and that I'm no better, smoking and drinking with Kenny ever so often. Speaking of him, I asked him about it, and he suggested I better figure out what wrong before something bad happens. I guess he's right, for once.
As I was walking to his house, I stared at the sky. I wish it were later, cause watching the sky in the afternoon is pointless. There nothing to look at. Nothing to melt into, and let it absorb you. Where you can float in space, with nothing but your thoughts and feelings. No noise, no light. I feel like some people have never been alone with their thoughts like I have. They are always so talkative about their feelings. I guess I was never really a talker though. I've always been the type to hear others thoughts instead of speaking my own. I don't know if that makes me a better person, or a worse person.

"Hey Craig, How's it going?" Mr. Tweak asked. He smelled of fresh coffee, which by normal circumstances is good, but not once you know what they put in it.

"Hello sir. It's been fine, but is Tweek here?"

" Oh, yeah. He's in his room, but uh Craig?"

" Hm?"

" Do you know what's up with him lately? He's been scarily angry and locks himself in his room for day on end. We think he's depressed, but we need to know for sure before we take any action. Do you know anything?"

" Um, no. He hasn't said anything to me yet, but I hope he does today."

" Oh, okay. By the way, thanks for being for him Craig. I know he's a handful, but it's just his A.D.D. acting up."

Or maybe it's the fucking meth you put in his coffee assholes! Sometimes, I really wanna argue with him about this topic, but I found I get off easier when I just nod and go along with things.

"Dad!" Tweek called from the stairs. I haven't seen him in a few days, but I can hardly recognize him. His hair is messier and longer than usual, he's wearing one of my favorite shirts, a black NASA shirt, and grey baggy sweats.

"Oh, hi son. I was talking to Craig."

"Well don't! He's my boyfriend and you have no business talking to him for anything. Especially if it's about me!"

" We're just so worried about you Tweek."

" Well don't! I'm fine! Craig, my room, NOW!"

Shit, you don't need to ask me twice. I'm almost positive that Tweek will cut off my balls if I don't listen. I'm not saying he's like a psycho or anything, I'm just saying he's scary when he's this mad. Always manages to send a chill down my spine.

He invited me to his room, and the second I was seated on his bed, he flopped onto me like I wasn't there. I've gotten used to this gesture, because he usually does it when he's stressed. I wrapped my arms under his and pulled him closer, whispering in his ear,

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