Ch. 5 "Ticket Home"

Start from the beginning

"If you torture me I'll get mad and then I won't want to help you, what kind kind of person need to have that explained to them?" Kai said looking at me,

I rolled my eyes, I walked over to Damon grabbing the knife, Damon lets Kai go roughly,

"Play nice," I said annoyed

"Stop trying to impress the new guy," Damon said

"Please have you met me I never try to impress anyone," I said rolling my eyes

"I know your just a ball of sunshine," Damon said sarcastically

"And your self-centered, now that we got that out of the way, just tell him so you can go home to your precious Elena," I said rolling my eyes,

Both Bonnie and Damon glared at me, I just returned a harder glare,

"Maybe because I don't want to talk about the worst thing I ever did," Damon said

"Really? Worse than Snapping Jeremy's neck without realizing he had Rick's ring on?" I said

"Not helping," Bonnie said

"Ohh, now I'm listening," Kai said scooping Jam out of a jar with his fingers,

I'm sitting on the couch reading another book, lets just say I got my bookworm reading from Elijah, he actually taught me how to read,

I smirked at the thought,

Then I felt someone's leg lay across my lap, I look up to see Kai,

I push his legs off my lap, and he does it again, after about five or six times I gave up and let him stay there

"Hell Story Please," Kai sang

I hear Damon say,

"Maybe telling him your story will take your mind off of it," I heard Bonnie say

"Who's side are you one?" Damon said

"The side where we go home," I said turning the page,

I felt a glare but didn't say anything,

"Fine," He said

"On May 9, 1994 I was living here I'd come home to walk the straight and narrow," Damon said

I hear snoring on the other end of the couch and see Kai,

"Perfect our savior's insane and narcoleptic," Damon said

"No, No, No I'm awake," Kai said

"Let me guess... you killed the pregnant woman," Kai said

"Shut up, Kai you weren't listening," Damon said

"I was listening in my sleep you were hanging out with your distant- nephew Zach who you called Uncle Zach because that's not confusing plus pregnant lady Gail who had a big bulls eye on her chest got it," Kai said

"Tell me you didn't kill a pregnant woman," Bonnie said

"I've done worse," I said turning the page of the book,

"We know," Both Bonnie and Damon said

"Oh that's totally what happened why else would today be his personal hell?" Kai said

I see Damon's anger flair he kneels in front of Kai,

Oh here we go I thought

"The only reason that you're alive right now is because I thought you could get us out of here and you could help us, but you don't have any answers! you're a man-child," Damon said he picked up an empty jam can and tosses it with anger,

"With jam on your fingers!" Damon said

"Okay to get home we'll harness the power of the eclipse using a mystical relic it's called an Ascendant and it looks like this Damon," Kai said

He picks up a model of the Ascendant which is round black and red,

"The last time we had it was in the Pacific Northwest Oregon," Kai said

He opens the Encyclopedia to a map and sets it on the table,

"We?" Bonnie said

"It belonged to my family so--" Kai said he picks up the pocket knife and slits the tip on his finger,

"Here's a little blood to get you started now all we need is a locator spell to pinpoint its whereabouts," Kai said

Kai and Damon both stand up, I close the book I was reading, and stand up,

Damon looks at Bonnie,

"Think you can find our ticket out of here Bon-Bon," Damon said

"Hell yeah," Bonnie said

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