He takes her hand and holds it to his heart and she wants to believe. More than anything, she wants to believe that things can be right again between them. But at that moment, something just outside her room catches her attention. Cemre is staring in at them, the anger on her face enough to terrify Reyhan. This isn't good.

"You really have to go, Emir," she says, pushing him towards the door. She peeks back over her shoulder to where she had seen Cemre staring through the window, but the woman is gone now. But she probably saw enough to make trouble for Emir. Reyhan can't let that happen. She gave up too much for him to go to jail now.

Once Emir is out the room, Reyhan closes and locks the door behind him. She sits on the bed and drops her face into her hands, still shaking from being with him. How could she have let Emir get that close? She couldn't help it though. She thought it was a dream at first. To wake up in his arms again has been one of her most constant wishes since the divorce. And for one sweet moment, she was able to live that wish.

Unfortunately it has given Emir hope that things can get better. But Reyhan knows things will never get better. There's no fixing this situation. As long as Cemre has those recordings, she will always have the upper hand over Reyhan. As long as her uncle and Suna are sick, Reyhan can never risk Emir finding out what he's done. So she's stuck following Cemre's rules. She's stuck making that one perfect minute she shared with Emir last for the rest of her life.

She can only hope and pray that that minute of weakness doesn't lead to the downfall of them all.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cavidan almost drops her coffee when Cemre comes storming into the living room, a look of death on her face.

"What's wrong with you now, Cemre? You should be happy today. Today is the day we get rid of that girl for good."

"Are you sure about that?"

Cemre paces angrily, kicking any and everything in her path.

"Why don't you just calm down and tell me what she's done now," Cavidan sighs. "I'm sure it's not that bad."

"How's this for bad? She seduced your son and lured him into her bed. I just found them all wrapped up together. In bed together, Cavidan teyze. Bed!"

Cavidan frowns, realizing Cemre may be right.

"That's not good," she agrees somberly. "But maybe you misunderstood."

"He was caressing her," Cemre adds. "He was whispering soft words to her. They were about to kiss, I just know it! And who knows what they were doing all night. She's evil. Immoral. And we have to get her out of the house. Now!"

She's right, Cavidan admits to herself. That little peasant has more nerve than Cavidan thought. She definitely needs to go. Because if she's getting close to Emir again, there's a chance she'll tell him what Cavidan has been doing. And there's an even greater chance Emir will believe her this time. She can't take that risk.

"Call your guys, Cemre. Once Emir leaves for work, we'll be getting rid of our problem. Permanently."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Earth to Emir!"

"Zafer?" Emir blinks and is shocked to see Zafer standing in front of his desk. He's had a weird feeling nagging him for the past hour and he can't stay focused on anything. He didn't even notice Zafer coming into his office.

Zafer just laughs.

"Finally you notice me. You were completely zoned out, buddy. What's going on with you? I mean, I can take a guess what's causing your distraction. Or who, I should say. About this tall?" he says, holding his arm up to his shoulder. "Long dark hair? Big doe eyes?"

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