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Lol, I freaking love this idea like just imagine the cccoonncceepptttssss.

So this persona of mine is a manager, mother type and really really likes hugs qwq

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So this persona of mine is a manager, mother type and really really likes hugs qwq

So this persona of mine is a manager, mother type and really really likes hugs qwq

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(#IfeelguiltydrawingBladelikethis, someone murder me----)

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(#IfeelguiltydrawingBladelikethis, someone murder me----)

So the comic is about Chris and Boomer going to watch the comeback music video (she decided to watch the final product on the day of comeback than watching it when it was done

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So the comic is about Chris and Boomer going to watch the comeback music video (she decided to watch the final product on the day of comeback than watching it when it was done.) And Blade is shown on screen, could be fake tattoo or real, I just put some to make it look cool XD

I wanna draw more, now with kpop cursed... blessed... blursed pictures XD But I have a lot on my list on what to drawwwww next XD AND I SERIOUSLY HAVEN'T DONE THE OTHERS YET HAHAHA XD

Blade and this version of Boomer is New_Skara_Scream's

Next will bbbeeee a Hercules AU with my friend's OCs with our PJ OCs HAHAHAHA

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