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      I wake up first thing in the morning and get ready for my interview, taking a brisk, cold shower and finding the nicest top I own then running out the door before any questions can be asked.

The walk isn't too far and it gives me time to contemplate anything that could go wrong, but also enough time to calm myself down and tell myself it's going to be ok.

I get to the glamorous house, it has tall windows and a sleek look give it a modern touch, I feel utterly out of place here and slightly underdressed but it'll have to do.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

It's going to be ok, I ring the doorbell and hear it echo throughout the house then clicking of shoes and finally the door opens.

"Ah you must be the boy from yesterday, tutoring right?" She looks at her clipboard.

"Yes mam, that's me."

"Okay good, you're right on time follow me we only have about an hour then Mr. Moore has to be at a meeting."

I follow along but I can't help feeling that name sounds familiar.

Moore, where do I know that name?

We reach a small office and she gestures me to sit down and then sits across from me, a desk separating us.

"So I'm just gonna so you a few questions, you know just to make sure your grades are good and everything then you can start as early as today."

I nod and she continues with the questions.

"So you brought the copy of you're grades right, can I see those first."

I pull out the sheet, proud of my all A's except for Gym, the cursed thing, and hand it too her.

She nods at the paper then clips it under a few other sheets in her clipboard, then continues to ask me questions about my behavior at school and if any of the hours wouldn't work.

After about 45 minutes have passed she finishes up with the questions and tells me that she thinks I'd be a great tutor for Mr.Moore's daughter

"Can you start today or would tomorrow be better?"

"Oh today's fine, I have nowhere to be." I answer and she leads me upstairs to a large library, natural light shines in onto a small desk where she tells me to sit so she can go grab the daughter.

I sit, still trying to find where I had remembered that name from, it sounded so familiar, seemed like it was just on the tip of my tongue.

The door creaks open and the girl walks in wearing a plain beige tank top and pajama shorts, that's when I see her face.

Elaine Fucking Moore.

"Oh don't look so surprised, what? do you go to my school or something, that whole place is filled with nosy assholes, don't tell me you're one too."

She sits down at the table in front of me and crosses her arms, if looks could kill.

"Sorry I just didn't expect it to be you-"

"Well at least you're a guy, I don't need some cocky bitch thinking she's better then me just because I failed a few English tests."

So it's English she failed? I thought she was good at that, were in the same class and she always got good grades before, from what I could tell.

"So uh, do you wanna start with reading some short stories then we can do some target questio-"

"I don't actually need help with english shit for brains, I failed them on purpose.

She looks away once our eyes meet and bites at her lip, arms still crossed as she begins to tap her foot.

"If you don't mind..why?"

Her eyes dart back to mine.

"well if you must know I was hoping my father would take 30 minutes out of his day to help me. Forgot he can just pay other people to spend time with his daughter for him."

She looks away and starts blinking fast to avoid the tears rolling down her face.

"Whatever this is a waste of time."

Getting up quickly, she speeds out of the library and down the hallway to what I would assume is her bedroom.

I give her a few minutes before I decide to go and try to talk to her, having no expectations for it to work.

Following where she went I find myself at a closed door, as expected and give it a quiet knock.


She swings the door open within seconds.

"What do you want loser."

I pause for a second. What do I want?

"Well we don't have to do English but I have to help you with something if I wanna get paid."

I don't have to comfort her, I'm just here for the work, and the money.


"What do you mean fine."

"Come on, you're gonna help me." She says, not answering the question.

Grabbing her keys off of a glass vanity in her room, she heads downstairs, not waiting to check if I'm following.

I do follow, seeing as im supposed to be tutoring her it wouldn't exactly be good if they found me sitting alone somewhere in their house, Elaine no where to be seen.

Before I can say otherwise we're in Elaine's Mercedes, zooming down the highway and all I can focus on is a diamond covered butterfly chain hanging from her mirror.

"So why are you tutoring." She asks, being the first words we've spoken since we got in the car 10 minutes ago.

"For the money." I respond, I feel no need to try and make small talk with her, it's not like we're friends.

She just nods, not knowing how to respond to the short answer, probably because she hasent had to work for anything a day in her life.

So the silence resumes.

And then we stop.

I look out the window to see the all too familiar abc store, I remember my mom cranking down the windows in our old beaten down car and telling us to sit tight, but those days weren't bad, it was the night that came after that were the bad part. When she'd actually be using the alcohol.

I shake the memory out of my head and turn to her.

"Why are we here."

She gives me a smirk that tells me a million different things, the main one being that she's up to no good, and that this is going to be an interesting night.

"I'll make you a deal. The woman that works here is totally into younger boys and I know she's working today so, if you get me alcohol I'll give you half of my monthly allowance my dad gives me to shut me up."

I look at her and every sign is telling me no, but I'm curious.

"How much is your monthly allowance?"

She pauses for a moment then gives me a smirk.

"Ten thousand dollars."

I fell in love with my tutorWhere stories live. Discover now