Mall time pt.2

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After almost an hour of eating some snacks at the mall and buying some stuff we were sitting down chilling . I then remembered about how taehyung stopped my punch . All my punches are fast and hard to stop . Him stopping it really caught me off guard . No one has ever done that to me . I smile to myself a little . I kinda like that he was able to stop me .
Y/n : hey taehyung ..
Taehyung looks at her .
Taehyung : hm yeah what's up
Y/n : when I punched you , how were you able to stop it so quickly and easily. It's like you weren't surprised that you stopped it . I'm not saying you're cool - cause you're not ... but still I wanna know .

That last part taehyung frowns but then smiles again .
Taehyung : I'm not weak
Y/n : what's that supposed to mean
Taehyung : it means exactly what I said
I glare at him frustrated.
Y/n: that doesn't help at all!
He smiles .
Taehyung : I'm so cool I know I know
Y/n : what does that have to do with what you said ?!
Taehyung frowns and then puts his hand on the table and leaned closer to me .
Taehyung : dont underestimate me , I'm stronger then you think .
He says in a deeper voice then usual .
His tone caught me off guard , he sounded intimidating. Which is weird coming from someone like him . I froze for a second but then I smirked and brought myself closer to him .
Y/n : the same goes for you
He froze for a second too .
Taehyung pov*

Her voice sounded so different then usual . I've annoyed her before so I know how she sounds annoyed . But if a voice could be dangerous, it would be Hers right now .
I shake it off and smile at her catching her off guard .

Out of Taehyung's pov*

His smile caught me off guard because it was so unexpected. He actually looked cute .
What the hell .
I pulled back .
Y/n : what are you smiling at dummy
Taehyung laughs and looks at me .
Taehyung : dummy ? That's my phrase
I widen my eyes .
Taehyung : awww are you using my phrases too , that's cute !!
Y/n : SHUT UP !! No - I just said it , it doesn't mean anything .
Taehyung : sure sweetheart
I roll my eyes .
Rm: okay guys let's go to the movies now the movie starts at 7:30 .
I look at the time and see it's 6:25 .
Y/n : it's still a little early though
Jungkook : yeah but I wanna play some arcade games .
Y/n : oh that's right I forgot they have that .
Jennie : yeah so let's goo
Taehyung : games !! Let's goo
I laugh .
We get in the car .
Taehyung : hey y/n guess what
Y/n : what
Taehyung : I'm beating you at the games
Him saying that some what triggered something in me .
Y/n : HA oh you are so dead when we get there , get ready!! I'm winning !!
Taehyung : no I will
Y/n : no
Taehyung : then let's do a bet
I look at him .
I think about it for a while but then I shrugged it off because I KNOW I WILL WIN .
Y/n : okay let's bet
Taehyung : if I win have to call me master for a whole day and do whatever I say .

Everyone starts laughing thinking this is funny .

I nearly choked on mid air .

Y/n : what!?? No I-
Taehyung : oh so you are giving up already
I scoff .
This asshole .
Y/n : FINE and if I win you have to dress how ever I want you to and go outside and dance around anywhere I tell you to for 24 hours .

Everyone laughs again.
Suga: I want to see all of this . I can't decide which one is funnier .

Taehyung looks at me shocked ...
Taehyung : sense of pride - I don't think
Y/n : oh so you're giving up already
He death glares me .
Taehyung : FINE - but I'm winning anyways ..
Y/n : yeah we'll see about that

We finally arrive at the movie theater. Let the fun begin !!

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