Chapter 18 (Part 2) Mer

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"Lie back," Rush rumbled through his lips, and she took an uneven breath before looking at how close they were to the edge

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"Lie back," Rush rumbled through his lips, and she took an uneven breath before looking at how close they were to the edge.

"Dammit, Rush. You Shades have some weird rituals," Mer said as she took a deep, shaky breath and lay back. The ledge tapered and one of her hands slipped into open air. She squirmed in terror as she pulled it back, all the while Rush waited on his knees in front of her.

"Meredith," Rush said in a hush of voice. "Please don't be frightened. I would never allow harm to come to you. Trust me, and I will show you pleasure, the likes of which you will beg me for again and again until your breath runs out," Rush purred but continued to speak as her fear didn't fade. "You will never perish if I do not precede you, Meredith. All Shades do this with their mates. It's... important to me," Rush insisted, the look in his eyes dampening as she looked to either side and then up to the spinning sky.

"Okay. Give me a second," Mer conceded, taking in a deep breath, calming, and trusting her life in Rush's hands. The man was at least five to ten times her age, so he knew what he was doing, and he was giving up a part of his heart to her. It was her responsibility to do the same.

Lips pressed to her neck, and she let out a breath as he kissed her skin, his fangs pressing into it with so much pressure that she was amazed they didn't break the skin. Or that they didn't topple over the edge. No fear, no fear. This was Rush. Rush glided one hand down her body, pressing her stomach just lightly before he found her thighs and slid his fingers down between her legs. Her breath came faster as he stroked there, softly on the outside while his other thumb trailed over her breast and her nipple hardened under his fingers.

"You Shades get some real kink out of this daredevil stuff." Mer gasped as he slid his fingers into her, and her eyes drifted above him just in time to see light coming from the top of the cliff above. At first it was just in the center, but then it spread all around the edges of the drop. It rushed over the brink of the falls, and she nearly swallowed her tongue as Rush clipped her clit with his claw at the same time as the light crashed over onto them.

"Holy hell," she cringed as a wave of water poured over Rush's back and trickled around them. Extending her fingers, she dipped them into the stream as it tapered off, and it sank into her in a way she was too familiar with. "Wait, this isn't..."

Another flow of energy sputtered over the edge and doused Rush where he was holding himself up over her to take the brunt of its weight. It was amazing to behold, liquid in nature but glowing every color of the rainbow. The drip off of Rush was a mix between sunlight and cotton candy, all spiraled with the iridescent blue of butterfly wings.

Before it even tapered off, another wave slammed into Rush's back so hard that he collapsed onto his elbows by her head, bringing them closer and wrapping her in a current that took over her every cell and raised the hairs on her body as it pulsed through her and over the falls to careen into the basin.

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