→ pregnancy test

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slight nsfw warning! nothing explicit, just mentions of intercourse!! :)


Now you've done it.

Your parents told you all you life, "no sex until marriage!" Sometimes they would be joking, and other times they would be very serious.

You had birth control, but you were still super paranoid about the whole "teen mom" thing. It was the kind of topic that was subtly frowned upon, something that was turned into reality television shows and things that other people feared.

You and Asahi had been dating for three years now. He made an intimate move last night, and, with your consent, you two had sex. He was extremely cautious and scared the whole time, but you didn't want your virginity to be wasted.

You wanted it to be ripped away from you by Asahi, which you were sure you were going to marry anyway.

He didn't really know what he was doing, and neither did you. It hurt, but man it felt so good...

He was constantly asking if you were ok and if you hurt anywhere. You replied 'no' every time and made sure to tell him he was doing good and you loved him.

Remembering the situation made your heart flutter. He was so kind and gentle, and you loved him. So, so much it made you want to explode and set the butterflies in your stomach free forever.

He had used two condoms. You insisted on using double. You were on birth control as well. You both knew that the chances of getting pregnant were extremely low, but now impossible.

After you got home from school, you went to a store and bought a pack of pregnancy tests. You wanted to test it multiple times to be extra sure.

With trembling legs you entered your apartment. Your anxiety was making you feel sick to your stomach. Asahi would be home in an hour or less. You decide to read a bit of your mystery novel to calm your thoughts and recollect yourself.

After about 50 minutes, you slid the thin bookmark into your novel, grabbed the box of pregnancy tests, and walked into the bathroom.

You shut the door as you read the instructions. Apparently you just had to pee on it and it would come up with the words 'no' or 'yes'. Seemed simple. You chugged some water and did what the box told you.

Your violently shaking hands brought the stick to your vision, and you read it clearly. As clear as ever.


You heart flipped with excitement. You tried one more time to make sure.


You were mumbling to yourself in the bathroom. You didn't hear Asahi come home and he opened the unlocked bathroom door, not knowing it was currently occupied.

"Gah! I-I'm sorry-" he said as he blushed and closed the door.

But before he could shut it completely, you sprang up and pulled up your panties and leaped over to hug him.

He was startled by your warm embrace. "Y-N, I'm all sweaty and gross. Lemme shower..." he said, stroking your hair.

You nuzzles you're happy face into his chest and then gazed upward at him. Your eyes were shining.

"It said no!" You yelped.


"The pregnancy test! Asahi, I'm not pregnant!"

His face lit up after you said the last words. "Y-N, that's awesome! That's so.. so great!"

Now your college plans weren't going to be ruined by a helpless infant.

He kissed your head and you backed to from the embrace.

"But never again!" You said, socking him in the stomach, hard.

He replied with a grunt and clutched his stomach. "But you gave me verbal consent! Like, four times!"

"Still, let's not do it again."

He nodded, bending back to normal height and lightly rubbing his stomach.

You rushed back over to him. "That is," you started, "until we get married."

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