→shower walk in

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You were a third year, and a part of the Karasuno girls volleyball team. You're boyfriend, Asahi, was a part of the boys volleyball team. You were both great at it.

You had practice at about the same time, but Asahi's was longer than yours, so you got home before him.

After practice one day, you headed over to your shared apartment. You dropped your duffel bag tiredly and untied your h/c from its previous ponytail.

You were hot and sweaty and like everyday, you took a shower.

You went into the bathroom and left the door open, because Asahi wouldn't be home for another two hours or so and you didn't have any big windows to worry about.

You slipped off your clothes and turned on the water, putting your fingers under it to test it's temperature.

After about twenty seconds, it was warm, and you climbed in. You rinsed off your sweaty body and ran your fingers through your hair.

You went to grab the shampoo and scrubbed your scalp. You then took the conditioner and gently glazed it I've your clean hair.

You scrubbed your body and face, and rinsed off all suds from your body.

Your towels were sitting on the toilet, right next to the shower. You pulled back the curtain to grab them. But you glanced up to see Asahi.

He blushed such a deep red it was fascinating, he covered up his eyes.

"Eep!" you squealed, attempting to cover your nude body.

"I-I'm sorry I d-didn't m-m-mean to see-"

"Get out!!" you yelled.

He ran out of the bathroom at an alarming rate.

Your shaking hands grabbed the towel and wrapped it around your wet body.

He... he saw you. Naked!

He wasn't supposed to be home...
You should have locked the door...

You two kept your relationship everything but intimate. Plus, he was way to scared of the idea of sex and he didn't want to hurt you.

You stayed in the bathroom and locked the door. You stood in front of the door, blocking anyone if they were to come in.

You got dressed swiftly. But you stayed in the bathroom for a awhile more. How could you approach him when he could picture you nude in front of him?!

You rocked yourself on the floor, clutching your knees. Your anxiety was going through the roof and you teared up a bit.

"He wasn't supposed to see me... dammit..." you whispered to yourself as your wiped your eyes furiously.

You stood up and looked at yourself in the mirror to make sure it didn't look like you were crying. You took a deep breathe and slowly opened the door.

You looked around and didn't see him until you heard a sniff come from beneath you. He was on the floor in front of you bowing so hard, that his forehead was touching the ground.

"Please... *sniff* I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to see you. I was just going to brush my hair, I didn't mean to do anything. Please, forgive me." he sniffed again. "I'm so sorry, Y/N."

You immediately felt guilty. It was mostly your fault. You left the door open and didn't hear him come in.

You knelt down and cupped his cheeks in your hands and lifted up his tears face. He looked genuinely sorry and it broke your heard to see someone to gently and kindhearted as Asahi to be crying.

You smiled weakly. "I'm sorry, too. It was mostly my fault. Why did you come home early?"

"Some of the first years had a study group to attend and Daichi was sick. So we practiced basic stuff then Coach Ukai dismissed us."

You grunted. "I see. I won't ever leave the door open."

"I won't ever walk in."

You smiled, stronger this time, and drew his face to yours. You embraced his lips with a kiss. As you pulled apart, you wiped Asahi's tears eyes.

"It's okay, I still love you."

He nodded with a wry smile.

"And I love your body."

𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓  ༄  asahi azumane fluff oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora