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You hated the feeling.

You felt greasy and fat. You gained four pounds. Although you were the perfect weight for your age, you hated it.

You ate once a day, liquids only. And you'd make yourself throw up afterwards. You hated to do it, you really did, but you had to. Asahi wouldn't date anyone who's fat.

One day after school, Asahi was in the living room. He brought home some mochi. You didn't want him to be suspicious, so you ate a bit. Oh how amazing it tasted on your tongue. You missed solid food. The second he was distracted, you went into the bathroom.

You took your fingers and slid them down your throat. You gagged a few times before throwing up.

It hit harder this time. This time it was louder, more violent. You looked at the toilet to see little red droplets. Blood?

You heard a light knock on the door. "Is everything alright?" he said.

Crap. This was bad. You were already in the "groove". You couldn't stop now. You had to keep going.

You puked again. Louder than last time. You heard the doorknob jiggle, and the door swung open.

You forgot to lock it.

"Ah! Oh my, oh my god! Y/N!" he walked up to you and pulled you away from the toilet. There was blood dripping from your lip. He knelt down. His expression was contorted with worry.

"What's going on?! I didn't know you were sick?!" his breathing became heavier.

Tears welled up in your eyes. You didn't hesitate to let them fall. Asahi brought you in for a hug. He squeezed you tight.

"What's going on?" he asked, his voice full of worry and sympathy.

Your lip trembled. He wasn't supposed to know. There's no backing out now. Tell him the truth.

"Ever heard of bulimia?" you said playfully.

His expression faded into shock. "Oh my god.. why would you do such a terrible thing to your body? You could die! You aren't getting any nutrients! Why?"

You gripped him tighter. "I... I did it for you. Asahi."

"Why me? Did I say something?"

"No. It's just no guy wants to date a fat slob."

"You are no slob. And you aren't fat at all."

"I was. Haven't you noticed that I lost weight? It was for you, Asahi."

His voice cracked as if he were about to wail. "I would never want you to do this. I would rather you be fat and healthy than a malnourished twig, Y/N."

You nodded. More tears fell. "I'm sorry. I just thought you'd love me more. I'm... " the gentle crying escalated into a loud caterwaul. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Part if it was to Asahi, and part of it was to yourself. To neglected your needs. Your body.

You two sunk into the bathroom floor. A mess of tears and hugging.

His lips brushed against your ear. "I love you more than anything, no matter how you look, Y/N. But please," he kissed your dry lips. "please, be healthy and happy."

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