025. versus velocity & veracity

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"Since he's been injured, he's had a lot of free time." Spyder reminded.

"More like free time to be annoying." Hana grumbled.

"I don't get it. How did we lose power?" Ryan asked.

"Uh, yeah, I think this one is on me." Veracity spoke up suddenly. "I figured out how to extend the shields and keep the monster further away."

"Seems like a great idea to me, yeah." Spyder nodded.

"Which our first clue that it was a bad idea." Mark pointed out.

"Well, I mean, I needed the extra power to extend the shields and I guess it took it from your systems. My bad." Veracity explained.

"It was a great idea but you have to tell us, so we can work as a team." Ryan reminded.

"I was just trying to win." Veracity argued.

"We were all just trying to win. These simulations are to help you learn to work with us but you've gotta work with us." Ryan scolded.

"Hey, she gets it. She gets it, Ry." Spyder assured.

"Yeah, it's her first time doing this. Let's go easy on her. We need to make her feel comfortable, not wallow in her own self-pity." Natalie explained and Ryan nodded in agreement.

Harris then popped up on Veracity's screen. "Hey, guys, how'd the simulation go?" He questioned.

"Well, spectacular! She was great." Spyder complimented. "Uh.....I mean, of course, you're great too. It's still your chair. It's.....Uh, you're just injured." Spyder explained.

"Please stop talking." Natalie begged.

"So, do I know how to defuse a situation or what?" Spyder asked jokingly.

"I found the plane Grey and Traeger stole. They're way up in the Arctic." Harris brought up.

"The Arctic?! That's way too far for us to rocket jump." Ryan pointed out.

"We need Leo's flight mode." Harris reminded. "So, Mark, Hana and I will have to finish the flight upgrade during our free period."

"Alright, great training session, everyone. See y'all at school." Ryan nodded.

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Everyone had made it to school in time after they had finished their early morning training. Currently, much of the group was dealing with a free period as they had taken a spare after lunch. While the others say in the library to study or finish assignments, Natalie was dragged by her boyfriend to go speak to Veracity. They wanted to give her a pep talk to help boost her confidence because right now, she was definitely getting beat on by team, just as much as Traeger is. They could sense some uneasiness with her and wanted to help.

"Yo! Sup, V!" Spyder exclaimed, opening the door loudly. Everyone immediately shushed him for his loud voice and antics.

"Dude, be quiet." Veracity ordered in a low tone.

"Sorry, sorry." Spyder apologized as he made his way over to the seated blonde. "What.....What.....Uh, what are these people doing here? Is this some sort of kid prison?" He asked work before taking a seat at Veracity's table. Natalie sat down in a chair next to him and placed her bag on the floor.

✓ 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 ! spyder johnson Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat