𝟮𝟰. versus traeger

Start from the beginning

"Oh, really? Dang son! That's too bad because......" Harris pressed a button on his Mech-Link that caused a random wall in the living room to flip to reveal five more arm cannons for the rest of the group. The four members on the couch all got up to get a closer look at the new invention.

"Since when did we have a wall that could spin?" Spyder asked in disbelief, causing everyone to give him a weird look.

"No.....Spyder, the impressive thing is.." Harris started to correct but Natalie quickly cut him off.

"Let him enjoy himself." Natalie shushed the boy.

"I'm so just..." Spyder was at a loss of words.

"Yeah, ok." Harris nodded.

"Well, we did it." Leo emphasized. "Hey, it's uh...S..S..Sci...Uh, we'll do both later." He tried to do his signature handshake with Harris but couldn't because of his shoulder.

"Yeah, science." Harris confirmed.

"What's important is you did a great job." Leo compliment but accidentally patted the short boy's broken shoulder.

"Ow!" Harris winced in pain.

"Oh, sorry." Leo apologized.

"Pretty sure he's still banged up from the airport fight." Spyder pointed out.

"I'm fine." Harris reassured.

"Ok, well, if that's the case, I'm outta here. We've been fighting way too many flying monsters lately, so I'm gonna go pick up the last few things to finish the robot's flight mode." Leo explained, grabbing all of his belongings from the table.

"We didn't...We didn't already fly?" Spyder asked.

"No, we sort of just leap." Harris confirmed. Both him and Leo lightly jumping to add to their point.

"Yeah." Ryan agreed.

"Leap? I just...I just thought we were flying." Spyder pondered in confusion.

"No, that's why I......" Ryan lightly leaped.

"Yeah, anyways, with Harper still out there, I'm gonna need to keep a very low profile." Leo pointed out. "So, if you need me, my secret name is Constantine Del Montevideo....The third....Esquire. Thank you, ok? Good luck. Goodbye." He then put on a hat and a pair of sunglasses.

"Hello, my name is Constantine. Nice to meet you." Leo greeted Mark, when he entered the room. The scientist then ran out of the room, leaving the rest of the group in a confused state.

"Guys, I was just checking the sensors and looks like Traeger is just outside Bay City." Mark announced.

"Why would he be there?" Harris asked.

"It doesn't matter. We have an opportunity. He's looking for a giant robot but with these babies, we have the element of surprise. We can take him down." Ryan assured. "You guys ready?"

"Ready." Harris agreed.

"I'm ready." Natalie confirmed.

✓ 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 ! spyder johnson Where stories live. Discover now