Death- Part ll

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The term from my seventh grade science class with Mr. Rella comes to my mind. "Homeostasis is when the mind and body are both healthy and functioning in perfect balance and harmony," he told us. I am far from homeostasis. One of my best friends is dead. I don't know where I'm going to wind up, and everything hurts. I don't know what's going I happen to me, if Meredith will pick up the gun and shoot me or if she will just stay where she is. I don't know what to do. I'm not going to lie, I'm terrified. My life has been threatened too many times within eighteen years. I know the score by now, but it's never not terrifying. I let my eyes close and try to steady my breaths. This was a mistake. I should have noticed when Meredith's sobs slowed to a stop. I should have noticed the soft scraping of the gun being picked up from the ground. By the time I'm aware of my surroundings again, it's too late. The gun is on my head and I'm pressed against the wall with nowhere to go. I open my eyes. Meredith's eyes are ice cold and deadly. I recognize the look. It's the look of someone who is too broken to feel anything, who can kill with no remorse because she has nothing else to live for. I don't know where my rescue is coming from today. No, that's a lie. There won't be one. I've been lucky too many times. Lucas...I'm coming love, I think. Meredith looks straight into my eyes. "I'm sorry," she whispers. Goodbye Jess. Goodbye Lauren. My breaths are speeding up. Im scared for what comes next. For a split second I want to break down and cry. I'm not ready to die. I'm too young. But then I look over at Lindsay's body. I bite down on my lip so hard it bleeds. Goodbye Carlos. Goodbye Ramone. What am I doing? Surrendering? I couldn't fight. I would lose and die a longer and more painful death. Hello, love. It's the last thought that goes through my head before Meredith shifts the gun down, there's a bang, and then blissful nothingness.

Meredith's POV

I scream and drop the gun. Blood streams from the wound in her side. What have I done? I killed someone again. I should die. I deserve to die. I kick the gun across the room before walking over to Lindsay. I scoop her in my arms, sobbing. I push open the door and walk outside. As expected, police surround the place. Paramedics rush forward to take Lindsay from me. "She's dead," I choke. They take her away from me. "There's another young woman inside," I say. They run inside. Police officers come forward to me. "Ma'am, do you know what happened here?" They ask. I nod. "I killed them," I whisper. "Come again?" "I killed them." I sink to my knees in the wet grass. The officers pull my hands behind my back and cuff me. As they push me forward into a car, I glance over my shoulder and see the paramedics carrying Evelyn and I feel sick. I did that. I shut my eyes tight and wish to be anywhere but here.

Evelyn's POV

Light. It blinds me. Is this death? I think. If, so it's not entirely horrible. I squint until I see a figure. It moves towards me. I stand where I am as he appears from the fog. My heart skips a beat. He smiles at me and pushes his brown hair out of his face, his beautiful blue eyes sparkling. I walk before running into his arms. We sink to the ground, laughing and crying. "You're here," he whispers. I nod, beaming at him. He shakes his head. "Evelyn, I love you more than anything, but it's not time yet." He kisses me softly before turning me around and sending me back home.



-anna <3

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