Chapter 4: Test for Pillars

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Sabriye, the young agents and the mentors arrived at their arena and Sabriye couldn't help but marvel at her surroundings. She then noticed a screen and on the screen was General Rama, who was going to watch the test. "Alright, Sabriye, we'll now be briefing you on how this will work," Agent Leon informed, earning a nod from the said girl as a response.

"We will be sending in some robots at the low difficulty level as your opponents. If you do well enough, we will send in more robots, and it'll get harder as you progress. Understood?" Agent Leon explained. Sabriye nodded in reply. Everyone else stood by the sidelines to watch her fight.

However, little did they know that they were about to see something shocking - literally. When the robots at low difficulty level were sent in, Sabriye got into her battle stance, preparing for battle. After a moment of tensed silence, she heard Agent Leon holler, "Go!" In an instant, she transformed into Electric, used Electric Speed and electrocuted the robots.

The young agents, the mentors and General Rama just stayed where they were, gawking at the scene that occurred right in front of them. Electric faced them and said in gleeful manner, "Well, shocking, isn't it?" Their jaw-dropped faces morphed into deadpanned looks, due to the pun.

Just then, she heard the sound of robots transforming from behind and out of instinct, she threw an Electro Ball at a drone. Soon, more drones appeared. Electric created a few bright yellow glyphs for more Electro Balls to be thrown at them, electrocuting them in the process.

That was it for the first stage and onto the second. Bulky robots then appeared as Electric transformed back into Sabriye and used Swift against the robots. However, it wasn't enough to defeat them. Suddenly, two bright green glyphs appeared on the wall and vines wrapped around Sabriye's arms.

That caught the young agents, the mentors and General Rama off guard. The vines pulled Sabriye back towards the wall, causing her to do a back flip and land on a bright purple glyph that then appeared and pulled her to the ground. She then used Hyper Beam against the bulky robots, destroying them.

Again, the young agents, the mentors and General Rama stood off at the sidelines, gaping at the power and the damage done. That was then the final stage - the boss fight - started. A bigger and bulkier robot appeared, while Sabriye's eyes widened at the robot and scowled, transforming into Fire and shooting Fire Balls at it.

However, it didn't seem to affect it much. She tried again by then transforming into Water and using Bubble at the robot but the same result was shown. Sabriye tried various attack moves against the robot, damaging it a little. However, she knew it wasn't enough to defeat it.

She wondered how tough the robot was and decided to ask Agent Leon about this, receiving, "This robot is one of the projects we started recently. It is designed to withstand a certain amount of attacks for a long period of time," as an answer. The young agents were panic-stricken for Sabriye by this information.

Sabriye, too, began to panic for a second when she noticed that the robot had a crossbow in hand. When it shot an arrow, Sabriye was able to dodge at the very last second but that arrow left a small scar on her cheek. That left her menacingly quiet. Then, she abruptly came up with an idea. She used Thunderbolt to turn off the lights in the arena.

The young agents, the mentors and General Rama were confused by sudden the move as they watched the robot fire shots from cannons in its arms relentlessly and Sabriye used Protect to shield herself from the attacks. Soon, smoke started to appear and the barrier protecting Sabriye began to crack. That was when they thought that the robot had the upper hand.

Unknown to them, she had a plan in mind. Suddenly, the star on her watch began to glow. Noticing this, Sabriye smirked as she knew that she would eventually claim victory in this battle. The young agents, the mentors and General Rama did not know what was going on as they watched the match attentively.

Out of the smoke came a pitch black beam and destroyed the robot's weapons. The young agents, the mentors and General Rama were caught off guard by the sudden surprise attack and, as the smoke cleared up, they were able to get a view of Sabriye. However, they were rendered speechless by the sight before them.

There was a different form of Sabriye; much different than the other forms they saw. It was none other than Dark. She had a serious expression on her face but stayed silent. She then narrowed her eyes at the robot even more. That behaviour left the young agents, the mentors and General Rama afraid. 'I have a bad feeling about this,' they thought.

The robot then rose to its feet and fired a shot out of its cannon arm. Out of quick reflex, Dark dodged the shot and used Dark Pulse against the robot, causing a lot more damage to it. The young agents, the mentors and General Rama were flabbergasted by the sudden amount of power she used and the damage done to their powerful robot.

Dark then finished it off with Night Slash, destroying the robot at last. Once she reverted back to Sabriye, she started panting. After taking a breather, she faced everyone else, only to find jaws dropped facing her direction. Sabriye looked at each and every one of them and chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck.

Ali, out of his shock, pointed a finger at the robots that were destroyed and shouted, "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Sabriye hesitated and simply answered, "I think we should all go to the lounge. Believe me, it's going to be a long story." Everyone else looked at each other and nodded.

Agreeing that they should, they headed to the lounge for the long, detailed explanation to be spilled to them. When Rudy appeared near her, Sabriye smirked and said, "I proved you wrong, Rudy. Beat that." Surprisingly, he chuckled and replied, "Yup, you really did."

A/N: Hey guys. Sorry for the late update, if it is late. Anyway, hope you guys liked this chapter, stay tuned for more updates and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye. 👋🏼

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