Just Ask Her

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I was getting coffee in the break room when I heard Adam come in.
"Hey good morning Adam. Do you want some coffee?"
He nodded and I poured him some
"Morning Theodora." He said smirking
"Just for that your getting salt in your coffee instead of sugar."
"No, no I'm sorry."
I laughed at him and gave him his coffee.
"Hey I actually wanna get your opinion on something."
"What's up?"
"I'm thinking about leaving Wendy for Kim.  Should I do it?"
"Well do you love Wendy?"
"I used to but we kinda drifted apart."
"What about Kim?"
"I'm starting to catch feelings for her."
"There's your answer Adam. If your starting to catch feelings for Kim and losing them for Wendy, go after what would make you happier, even if that means breaking things off with Wendy."
"Thank you Teddie that really helped."
"Your welcome. Now let's go do our jobs."

I walked up to Erin.
"Hey how you feeling?"
"Better. How about you?"
"I'm good."
"That's good"
"Alright we need people undercover in a sex club." Voight came out saying
Adams hand shot up
"Ok Adam and Kim you guys can go undercover, your gonna make a deal with a dealer named George Diaz. Once you get the drugs in hand then we arrest him. The drugs he's dealing have been linked to many overdoses."
"Erin your with Teddie today. Jay your with Antonio."
"Ooh this is gonna be fun."
"Suit up."

I was putting my vest on when Antonio pulled me aside
"Hey what's up?"
"Will you come over to dinner tonight I want you to meet my kids."
"Yeah of course I'll come over."
I gave him a quick kiss and finished getting suited up
"I'll see you later."
"Alright let's go."

I got in the car with Erin. 
"Hey how are things with Jay?"
"They are amazing, he told me he loves me."
"That's great what did you say back."
"I didn't say anything."
"Girl why?"
"I'm gonna make him dinner later and then tell him."
"Aww thats romantic. Antonio asked me to meet his kids."
"That's like serious. I wonder why?"
"I mean we've been dating for almost a year now so I'd say things are getting kinda serious."
"You need to let me know what happens."
"Your my best friend of course I'll let you know just like you are going to let me know what happens with you and Jay later."
"I will."
We laughed
"Alright we are at the scene."

Adam and Kim walked in and I turned my radio on.
"Hi we are looking for a George Diaz."
"In that room." I heard the bartender say.
They walked in.
"Hey guys we got a problem, George is dead."
I saw someone running out the back.
"Hey do you see that guy running back there."
"Yeah I do, come on."
"Sarge we are in pursuit of black male spotted fleeing the scene. White sweatshirt,dark pants,blue sneakers."
"Stop police." Erin ran and tackled him
I cuffed him.

We brought him back to the district to be questioned. I watched as Kevin and Hank took him into the interrogation room.
About 10 minutes later they came out.
"Offenders same is Anthony. He confessed to killing George because George sold drugs to his friend and it ended up killing him. He wanted revenge plain and simple."

"So that's it the case is closed?" 

"Yeah George was making and selling the drugs and now he's dead, I think Chicago is a better place without him, you all can go home, take the win."

"Thanks Sarge."

"Hey Antonio, you ready to go?"

"Yeah one minute." I saw him put something in his locker but I didn't see what it was.
He smiled at me "Good to go."

We walked into his apartment and his kids came running towards him
"Hi dad!"
They gave him huge hugs
And then he turned to me
"Eva, Diego this is Teddie, my new partner and my new girlfriend."
"You have a girlfriend?" Eva asked
"I do."
"That's cool!"
"Hi Teddie."
"Hi guys."
I talked to Eva and Diego while Antonio cooked dinner.
"Eva, Diego come here." I heard Antonio say.
I overheard their conversation
"So do you guys like Teddie?"
"I think she's really nice and really cool. I like her." I got Diego's approval
"I love her she's awesome and she's super nice and pretty." And I got Eva's approval.
"That's awesome guys." Then Antonio whispered something that I couldn't quite hear.
"Ok guys time to eat."
We ate dinner and Antonio tucked his kids in. We were sitting on the couch watching a movie.
"Hey Teddie can I ask you something?"
"Yeah of course you can what's up? Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine but I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to move in with me?"
"Are you serious?"
"Yes I love you and I think it wi be easier if you just move in with me."
"I would love to Antonio, hey what were you hiding in your locker?"
"I wasn't hiding anything I was taking something out of it though."
He pulled a key out of his pocket and handed it to me.
"That makes sense."
I gave him a long kiss
"I love you Toni."
"I love you too Teddie."

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