The nightmare deepens

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I drove back to my apartment and decided to drown my sorrows and my feelings in alcohol.
I was on my third glass of whiskey when I heard a knock on my door. I looked through the peephole and saw Antonio. I opened the door and saw that his eyes were stained with tears just like mine.
"Hey how you holding up?" He asked me

"Not great considering what happened" I could barely talk without tearing up

"Come in, do you want a drink?"

"Yeah sure."
I poured him some whiskey
"Thanks" he smiled at me
"Your welcome" I smiled back at him
We sat in silence so to break it I said "When I first met Jules she actually.. uhh" I had to take a breath before continuing to speak so I wouldn't start crying ".. she saved my life"
I started crying.
Antonio pulled me into his arms

"She was my best friend Toni"
"I know she was mine too but she's in a better place now"
I cried into his shoulder
"It's gonna be ok Teddie"
I looked up at him and our faces were inches apart
"I-I better be getting home" Antonio walked towards the door
"Antonio wait, stay the night."
"Teddie are you sure?"
I walked closer to him
"So do you want to stay the night?"
Our faces were even closer to each other than before.
"Yeah I do"
I closed the space between us and crashed my lips on his hard. He lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist
"I don't think these clothes are necessary do you?"
"I don't think so Teddie"
"Then let's get rid of them"
I took his shirt off and he carried me to my bedroom.

(The next morning)
I rolled over in my bed and I realized I slept with Antonio.
"Antonio wake up" I shook him till he woke up

"Good morning beautiful" I heard him say smiling

"Well good morning to you too, and as much as I would like to stay in bed all day, we have to get to work."

"Do we really have to go to work?"

"Yes now get up" I said laughing "We can get donuts on the way to the district."

We got to the district together. Antonio walked upstairs and I stayed downstairs so Voight wouldn't catch us walking in together.
"Hey good morning sunshine" I heard Trudy say startling me
"Good morning Trudy, want a donut?"
"I would love a donut, I actually have something to ask you."
"What's up?"
"How long you and Antonio been sleeping together?"
I walked up to Trudy and whispered
"How did you know that?"
"I know everything" she smirked
"Not a word to anyone else."
"I won't tell."
"Thank you Trudy."

I walked upstairs.
"Good morning Teddie."
"Good morning Antonio."
Antonio got a phone call
"Hold on guys I'll be right back I got to take this."

"Hey Teddie come here." I heard Erin say
"What's up Erin?"
"I saw the way you and Antonio look at each other, what's going on between you two?"
I was about to answer her when I heard Antonio say "You better not hurt him. If you do  I'll kill you."
Erin and I glanced nervously at each other
Antonio came out and was on the verge of tears
"Hey stop. Tell us what happened." We all looked at him
"Al they kidnapped my son."
"Ok you need to tell Voight so that Jin can trace the call. But first you need to calm down we will find him I promise, right now you need to call Laura."
"Laura, I forgot about Laura, I guess I should give her a call."
Antonio walked to the lockers.
"I'm gonna go make sure he gives her a call."

I walked into the locker room just as he finished the call.
I went and sat on the bench next to him.
At that point he was crying.

"They took my son Teddie."

"I know and I promise we are gonna find the bastards who did this and make sure they never see the light of day again."
I gave him a hug and he started crying into my shoulder.
"We are gonna find him and get him home safe." I said rubbing his back

"Could you wait downstairs for Laura,Eva, and Gabby please? I need a few minutes to just think."

"Yeah of course I can."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome"
Before I got up he pressed a quick kiss to my lips.
I held his face in in my hands
"We will find him." I gave him a small smile before walking out

I was sitting downstairs when I saw Laura,Eva, and Gabby walk in. I got up an walked over to them. "Hi Mrs.Dawson I'm Detective Teddie Glazier."
"It's just Laura, not Mrs.Dawson." She said with tears in her eyes

"I'm sorry about that, umm if you come with me I can show you where Antonio is and he can catch you up to speed on what we know so far."

"Thank you." She gave me a hug and I awkwardly hugged her back
I took them to Antonio
As I was walking past Antonio to go back upstairs I whispered in his ear "Good luck with them."

I knocked on Hank's door to his office.
"Come in"

"Hey Hank where are we with the case?"

"We know that Pulpo's men took Diego. We traced the call back to a José Roman. We are heading to his address now, I'm gonna let the rest of the team know but you need to go get Antonio, from now on he's your partner."

"Got it"
I ran into the locker room.

"Antonio come on we got a hit on a suspect"

"Ok I'm coming, Laura go with Eva and Gabby and find Trudy she will help you."

"Come on Toni we don't have any time to waste."

We pulled up to the address.
"Chicago Police. Open up." I banged on the door
"Hit it." I kicked the door down.
I walked upstairs and too my left and there was José with a gun.
"Hey put the gun down."
Next thing I knew I was laying in the ground in a puddle of blood, he shot me.

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