I | Fated Encounter

Start from the beginning

Shino blinked and glanced down at her legs, "No. But I am curious to see what the exam has in store for me..."

Tonpa internally smirked, "Would you like an overview on how difficult Hunter Exams are usually? This is actually my 35th attempt!" He said with a smile.

Shino reminded herself to at least smile slightly for the sake of communicating easier to people, "Yes please. Although failing the Hunter Exam 34 times already says a lot that you are unfit to become a Hunter, why is that? Why do you keep coming back when you are more than sure yourself that you are simply not capable? What is it you do that the Hunter Association thinks is not up to their standards? Why bother trying at all? I thought people would get frustrated and upset therefore give up but why didn't you?"

Tonpa felt his heart being pierced from each blow she said. Sweat dripping from his face, armpits and his hands, he twitched himself a smile as he thought, I hope this girl doesn't make it at all...

"Uh... I don't know really, I think I just want to be of help to examinees here since I do have a lot of information regarding of who I think are the most threatening ones..." Tonpa told her as the two both watched a few more participants exit from the elevator.

Shino stared at Tonpa blankly before nodding once, "Okay then... Are these people capable?" She gestured towards the rest.

"These people so far are experienced but from what I have experienced myself about the Hunter Exams, they might not have the guts..." Tonpa informed her honestly, "But hey, there's still time for more participants to come. There's always more than a few hundred wannabe Hunters taking the exam!"

"Okay... That makes sense." Shino gazed down, fidgeting her hands.

"Oh right, I never caught your name right? My name's Tonpa! What's yours?" He said with a fake smile.

Shino met his eyes, "My name is Shino... It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise!" Tonpa grinned, then he reached down his bag and pulled out a drink, handing it to her, "How about a drink to commemorate this newfound friendship?"

She took it, pulling it towards her and stared at it, "Friendship... We're friends?" She glanced at her new 'friend'.

Tonpa smiled, nodding his head although his thoughts and intentions contradicted his expression, Friends my ass. I'd die before I'd be friends with a robot...

Shino gave a small, kind smile, "Thank you, Tonpa-san..." She opened the can and drank. She gulped and gulped until there wasn't a sip left. Tonpa internally smirked evilly. She took a deep breath out as gave another polite smile to Tonpa, "It's not a drink I would have myself but I do appreciate the gesture... Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a nap."

Tonpa raised his brows up slightly and stuttered, "Uh yeah of course... Sorry for disrupting you." Tonpa bowed his head a little and walked away.

Shino set the empty can down next to her, leaning her back comfortably against the wall as she closed her eyes.

As more people piled into the room, they questioned how stupid Shino was for sleeping in a room full of dangerous strangers, letting her guard down with her vulnerability showing.

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