In Nueva Vista

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This is based of season 2 episode 15 Songs Of The Sirenas what if Elena struck the scepter of night before Shuriki can strike her.

Elena is in Nueva Vista with her family to visit her cousin.
Later on after the parade Elena went to stop Shuriki, and  Shuriki found Elena first.

Shuriki- "We must stop meeting like this"

Elena- "I'll finish you off once and for all"

Shuriki- "like that's going to ever happen"

Elena pointed her scepter of light at the scepter of night which is Shuriki's scepter and she said blaze and a beam of light shot at the scepter of night and the staff, the mount and the jewel all shatter along with Shuriki.

Shuriki was gone at last. The Delgados tried to escape but Elena pointed her scepter at them and lead them to the palace. The guards took the Delgados to the prison along with Elena's cousin from her mother's side of the family and all was well.

Hope you enjoy this one shot and more to come sorry if updating take long because I need to think of the episode I want to do. I promise to finish this book.

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