Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Seven: Mia's Wedding Day

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“You look beautiful,” Catherine gushed staring at Mia dressed in her ivory mermaid short sleeves lace-up sweep wedding dress, she couldn’t believe that her best friend was finally getting married.

Mia smiled back, her fingers moving down the lace of her dress as she tried to convince herself that it wasn’t all a dream; in a couple of hours she would be Iker’s wife and she was sure that Iker was just as excited.

Olivia sipped on her orange juice, they were all stood in one of the rooms that the venue offered waiting for the moment that they were called downstairs.

“I think someone will have to keep an eye on Iker… make sure that he doesn’t faint,” Olivia teased, she had seen the footballer earlier and he had looked so nervous; she had never seen him like that before even when it came to penalties.

Mia laughed softly, she was sure that Iker would be fine and she had no doubts that he would love the dress that she had chosen for their wedding day; it had been hidden for so long so he wouldn’t see it.

“So how are you feeling?” Catherine asked moving to sit down, she had no idea how her best friend could be feeling just hours before she was due to marry Iker.

Mia opened her mouth to say something when there was a knock at the door, the three women looked at each other not knowing who could be there; they weren’t expecting anyone yet.

“Come in,” Catherine called getting to her feet, she half expected it to be Iker knowing that the footballer couldn’t be away from Mia; she stared shocked as Danny Trevanion nervously stepped into the room.

Mia swallowed thickly, she wasn’t sure what to think about her father’s appearance now; she didn’t really want to see him right before she married Iker.

“What are you doing here?” Mia asked as Olivia and Catherine moved to give the two some space, she watched Danny knowing for a fact that she hadn’t invited him; she didn’t want her family at her wedding after what she had done.

“I couldn’t miss your wedding,” Danny said nervously, he knew that things hadn’t been easy for the past few months and he hoped to make amends; Mia was getting married and he hoped to give her away.

Mia stared at her father, she felt torn about his decision to show up and she doubted that he had thought that she would forgive him easily for how he had treated her and Abigail.

“I was hoping to give you away,” Danny continued hopefully, he was sure that everything was going to be okay; he wanted to make amends for what had happened.

Rosie had been out of line and Danny felt terrible that he had sided with her when Iker had been innocent the entire time; things needed to be fixed since Danny didn’t wish to lose Mia or Abigail.

Danny opened his mouth to say something when Evan walked into the room, he blinked surprised at coming face to face with his former step-son; he had thought the boy would have been in England for the holidays.

“Evan what are you doing here?” Danny asked confused, he had no idea that Evan was going to be here; he hadn’t spoken to him since he had gone to live with his real dad after the death of his mother.

“Evan’s walking me down the aisle,” Mia explained knowing how much this was going to hurt Danny, she wasn’t going to change her plans and she was sure about what she was going to do.

Evan flashed a smile before signalling that it was time to go, they couldn’t keep the guests waiting; it was a very important day and Iker was getting impatient.

“You’re welcome to stay for the wedding…” Mia said offering her father one final look before she left him behind.


“Congratulations,” Sergio beamed smiling at the newly married couple, he pressed a kiss to Iker’s cheek before he moved to hug Mia; he was so happy for them and he was glad the ceremony had happened without any problems.

Everyone had been a little concerned when they had realised that Mia’s family had arrived, they didn’t want anything to ruin the wedding; they had all been surprised when the ceremony had gone ahead without any problems.

Iker wrapped an arm around his new wife’s waist, he couldn’t believe that they were married and he knew that he was looking forward to their honeymoon; he had a couple of days away in the sun planned for the both of them.

“How does it feel?” Unai teased noticing the look on his older brother’s face, he was happy for Iker and he couldn’t imagine how his brother felt right now. Mia laughed softly as Iker shrugged and ducked down a little to kiss her, she brushed her fingers through his hair as one of his team-mates cheered.

“Come on lovebirds… save that for the honeymoon,” Xavi teased knowing that they were easily distracted, he couldn’t believe that he had just watched his best friend get married; he could remember how all of this started and he knew that no one had thought that they would be watching the couple together now.

Iker glared playfully at his friends, he was happy right now and he was willing to ignore their unwelcome guests that were watching the couple from a distance; he had nothing to say to any of them right now.

“I love you,” Mia whispered softly, she knew how lucky they were and she hoped that they wouldn’t have any problems later that day; it was going to be a long day and she hoped that no one was going to cause them any trouble.


“Could I talk to you?” Danny asked approaching Iker, he knew that he had no right to approach the footballer after what he had done; he wanted to make amends for what he had done.

Iker stared at the man that was now his father-in-law, he had wondered how long it would take before Danny would approach him; he wasn’t even surprised that the man was still thinking only of himself.

“What is it?” Iker asked gruffly, he couldn’t believe that Danny was still hanging around; he wanted him gone after all that had happened, he didn’t want Mia’s family causing any trouble.

Danny swallowed, he had expected Iker to be off with him and he didn’t blame the man for being that way; what had happened had been horrible and Iker had every right to being upset.

“I wanted to apologise…” Danny started, he didn’t know what he would ever say to make things right but he wanted things to fix themselves. Iker stared at him, he had no idea what Danny expected him to say, he wasn’t just going to forget that they had all called him abusive and pleaded Mia to leave him.

“I know that Rosie lied and I just wanted to protect my daughter,” Danny explained knowing that his reasoning was terrible but it was all that he had, he just hoped that it would be enough; Iker was a father now and Danny was sure the man understood.

Iker shook his head, he had no interest in making nice with the man that had accused him of horrible things; Rosie had made it clear within hours of knowing he was with her sister that she didn’t like him and still everyone had believed her horrible lies.

“It’s not good enough,” Iker murmured before he walked away, he had been the one to comfort Mia when her entire family had turned their backs on them; they hadn’t forced her and Abigail out because of a stupid lie and there was no fixing the damage that had been done. 

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