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We were all catching up with each other and talking about relationships. We then heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll go get it!" I exclaimed excitedly jumping up from the couch and going towards the door.

When I opened the door I saw the 'Bakusquad' as they call themselves which is cute how they dedicate themselves to the most stubborn person of the group. I welcomed them in and they started fangirling when they saw Todoroki sitting on Shinso facing the table in front of them.

"Heyyyy Bakubro! How ya been?" Kirishima asked.

"Good good. I got a boyfriend." Kacchan said smirking at me as we sat down.

"It's about time since you know... the incident." Sero said scratching the back of his neck.

"Alright I got it Tape Shit."

"Incident? What incident?" I asked

"O-oh it's nothing! Don't worry about it! Now let's talk about that new album of yours." Mina said switching topics.

Kacchan sighed in relief and I was planning on confronting him later when we're alone.

"Let's play truth or dare again!" Denki said excitedly not caring for the album as much.

"Yeah sure. We could get to know each other better like that." Todoroki said monotonously.

"Speaking of which maybe we should introduce ourselves before we start it'd be rude not to you know?" Mina said rubbing her arm.

"Yeah that wouldn't be manly of any of us." Kirishima said shaking his head in disapproval.

"Well I guess I'll start since I haven't said anything really. Hi I'm Shinso Hitoshi and as you can see I am the top in this relationship I mean just look at how cute he is!" Shinso exclaimed squishing his chubby face.

"Well um I'm Todoroki Shoto and um well he basically said everything for me so yeah." Todoroki said sheepishly blushing.

"Well I'm Mina Ashido and this is my boyfriend and I love Izuku's music!" Mina exclaimed after hugging Sero close.

"Yo I'm Sero Hanta obviously I'm the boyfriend." Sero said chuckling at his girlfriend's antics.

"Hi I'm Denki Kaminari I'm gay." He said goofily.

"Oh okay guess it is my turn. I'm Kirishima Eijiro Denki's top-I'm his boyfriend." Kirishima said trying to cover up as Denki nudged him.

"Well now that we've introduced ourselves let's play Truth or Dare spin the bottle! Whoever spins the bottle is the questioner and whoever it lands on is the questionee. Everybody got it?" I asked.

Everyone nodded and I got an empty water bottle and we all sat in a circle. I put the bottle in the middle of us.

"Okay I'll go first!" I exclaimed clapping my hands in excitement.

I spun the bottle and it lands on....


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