Chapter 12

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Ever since Justin and I's date I couldn't be happier. Our relationship is literally the best. Its like those relationships we seen in movies, but 10x better!
At school*

Once I get to school, I don't see Justin, which is weird. Usually if he wasn't at school he'd text me, but nothing. I got nothing no text, no call nothing. Im worried. He is usually at my locker waiting.

I make my way towards my locker and put my stuff in, I grab my books for my first class, but before heading to class, I go around the school to look for Justin. I can't find him so I went back to Justins' locker. I stop dead in my tracks when I see he's talking to her. Jamie. The one who threatened me on my first day of school to stay away from him.

I go to approach them but i see them hugging. I go up to the and Justins eyes widened. Jamie had a smirk on her face.

"Maddy its not what it looks like" he said guilt flashed on his face.

"Save it Justin! I don't want to hear it!" I spat back, I immediately regretted it but but hid my guilt with anger.

As he was about to say something I turned around and stormed away.

"Don't worry Justin she's not worth it. Come back to me. " I hear that bitch Jamie say to him. At this point right now i'm mad, sad, but most of all hurt. I just want to go home.
Picture of Maddy over there

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