"Stop that!"

The sound of Jessica's upset voice made him open his eyes. Excitement jumped inside him, and he prayed she was here to save him.

Jessica grabbed the other nurse's wrist and yanked it away from his face. Jessica took a wet cloth and dabbed it on his face where the older nurse had started to coat.

"What do you think you're doing?" Nurse Tweed stood up so fast, it toppled her chair over.

The older woman's glare could cut glass as she stared at Jessica. Thankfully, Jessica didn't cower. His angel was so small compared to the stout older woman, but he was certain Jessica could hold her own.

"I'm stopping you from touching this patient... that's what I'm doing." Jessica lifted her chin in defiance. "Doctor Jackson wants Wyatt's face to breathe the air since he is finally healing, and if you have any qualms about that, you'll have to take it up with the doctor."

"Listen here, Nurse Simone," Nurse Tweed snarled, "I'm the head nurse, not you. I'm the one who makes these decisions, not you. And if you can't abide by the hospital's rules, then perhaps you need to find somewhere else to work."

Squaring her shoulders, Jessica slowly stepped in front of the other woman, keeping the glare on her face. "Actually, Nurse Tweed, you are not the one who makes the decisions in regards to the patients' welfare. Just because you are head nurse does not make you the head of the hospital. The doctors will always be in charge, and we – as nurses – will follow their guidance and do as they request. Because that is exactly what nurse's do. We, as nurses, do not have the right to do whatever we please. Instead, we do what is right for the patients and the doctors."

Wyatt's heart swelled. If he could applaud, he would. As he glanced at the other men in the room, he could tell they were impressed with Jessica, as well.

The older woman's face wrinkled more from her angry expression, and her face grew redder. Wyatt was sure her head would explode at any moment. That wouldn't be a pretty sight.

"You will not get away with this." Nurse Tweed's grated voice was low and threatening. "I promise you that I'll have your nursing certificate taken away so fast it'll make you dizzy."

Jessica sighed, shaking her head. "You can try, but I'm sure your certificate will be taken away before mine will."

Grumbling, Nurse Tweed stuffed the ointment and bandages back in the medical bag and marched out of the room. The moment the door slammed closed, all the patients in the room cheered and applauded for Jessica. Her smile grew wide and her cheeks turned pink. Gratitude showed on her expression as she looked at each one.

She turned and picked up the chair, placing it beside the bed and sitting. Her eyes twinkled when she looked at him, and his heart leapt. "You are wonderful."

Slowly, she shook her head. "I was only doing what most good nurses would do – try to help their patients."

He motioned his head toward the door. "Nurse Tweed wouldn't be considered in that group."

"No, she wouldn't. I don't even know why she still nurses when it's clear she doesn't enjoy it."

He took her hand and cradled it gently, staring into her eyes. How he wished he remembered her. She had such a kind heart, and such caring eyes. "Jessica?" He kept his voice low, hoping only she would hear. "Would you think it's too soon if I told you that I think I'm in love with you?"

Sighing, her smile trembled as her eyes became watery. "Have you remembered?"

"No, but I feel as if I should love you."

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