"He is among you all right now, may he please step up!" Zeus shouted, lightning could be seen outside the window.

"Who do you think it is?" Stella whispered from beside me. I refused to meet her gaze and shrugged.

"Brother, you know he doesn't like attention, I'm not surprised if he actually skipped school..." Hades smirked.

He knows me well.

A bit too well...

"Come on Cuz! Get up here!" Apollo and Hermes yelled.

I was so distracted by them, I didn't notice a god standing behind me with arms crossed.

I only noticed when everyone started staring behind me. I gulped and turned around.

"Hi?" I laughed nervously at my Dad standing behind me with his trident in hand, staring at me amused.

"Percy that's a god, you can't just say hi!" Andrew whispered outraged.

"Percy, get up or I'm getting Annabeth." Dad said.

I ignored the shocked looks.

I pouted.

"I'm not moving." I stated.

"Perseus Jackson, you will come up here before I smite you." Zeus glared.

"You can try Drama Queen."

Everyone stared at me like I just talked back and pissed off Zeus, the supposedly All Mightly King of the Gods.

Oh wait-

I just did. I take back what I said about him being all mighty.

"Fine I'll come down." I relented. I stepped down and jumped onto the stage.

"Full titles cuz." Hermes smiled.

I grumbled,"My name is Perseus Jackson, you already knew that though. Call me Percy since only people that wants to kill me calls me that, son of Poseidon, Earthshaker, God of the Sea and stuff, I helped retrieve Aphrodite's scarf, Duelled Ares and won, Slayer of Medusa, slayer of the Minotaur, Retrievor of the Master bolt and helm of darkness, killed a bunch of Titans and Giants, survived the sirens and Circe island, helped get the Golden Fleece, survivor of the Labyrinth, blown up Mount Saint Helens, yeah that was me, visited Ogygia, Owner of Blackjack and Mrs O'Leary, killed Kronos, ex-praetor of New Rome, freed Thanatos, ex-boyfriend of Annabeth Chase, Survivor of Tartarus, one of the seven of the 2nd great prophecy, member of the Twelfth legion, and a bunch more of titles that I'm too lazy too name."

The crowd stared stunned, Paul looked proud and had a smug grin on his face as he took in the other Teachers dumbfounded looks.

As if on que, a portal appeared, peering into it, there only an empty void.

Styx, I've seen that portal before, and I'm not fond with what follows. I tried sneaking out at quietly as possible.

A man stepped out. He had black hair with purple streaks and specks of white. His eyes contained the galaxy and seemed to be constantly moving. He was wearing a normal jeans and a black denim jacket with blue shirt, but the best part was his black angel wings, they were beautiful,they had speckles of white like stars and they folded neatly behind his back.

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