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I don't own PJO or HoO, it belongs to Rick Riordan. This book will remain an one-shot.
Percy POV

Well uh-

The Gods revealed themselves.

I'm fine with that.

But sending me back to Goode?!

That's a crime.

Annabeth, my best friend, isn't even with me.

We broke up after finding out it wouldn't work especially after Tartarus.

Then again I could skip school...

But Annabeth will kill me...

Yeah not taking any chances.

I walked through the doors of Goode and immediately everyone stared at me.

"Percy?" Someone near the lockers infront of me asked incredulously.
It was Andrew, Rose, James and Stella.

Andrew was the type that likes to party but he studies hard too. He has midnight back hair and brown eyes

Rose plans to be a fashion designer, she was quite popular for being confident in her style. She has blonde hair with pink streaks in it, her eyes are a startling shade of blue.

James was the captain of the Football team. So of course, naturally he would be popular and well-known. He has brown hair and blue eyes.

Stella was the quiet nerd, she only talks to people she was comfortable with. She has black hair that faded to brown along with brown eyes.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I said casually. Gods, I'm so dumb, I disappeared for a year and just say what's up...

"What's up?! What's up?! You disappeared for a year and that's all you say??" Andrew shouted at me with an shocked look as if he was looking at a ghost.

"Have you heard about the Gods?" Rose asked. "Yeah I did..." I was still upset at Zeus for sending me to school.

"Let's go to English early, I don't want to make a bad impression." I said, trying to ignore the attention placed on me.

|~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~|

Halfway through English class, I heard a familiar voice but couldn't quite place it.

"All students and Teachers assemble in the hall."

Of course the teacher led us to the hall like we were 5 years olds.

My class arrived and I saw the 14 thrones on the stage, Hestia and Hades was there cause I asked Zeus for them to have a place on the council, back to the thrones, I tried to turn back but another class was coming in and it was useless to run away.

I pulled up the hood of my blue hoodie and sat down at the back.

"Mortals! I am Zeus, God of Lightning, King of the Gods, these are the Olympians along with Hades and Hestia." Zeus thundered, thunder sounding out in the background.

I rolled my eyes, of course he would take this chance for dramatics.
Everyone frantically bowed down, it was amusing to watch them trip over themselves in their haste to bow.

"We are here to tell you of the 2 times saviour of Olympus, he saved Olympus from Kronos and Gaea." Athena said, glaring at the crowd trying to find me with her stormy grey eyes.

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