° • CHAPTER 7 • °

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××Next day××

You and Changbin were going to school together since you found out he lives nearby


"Oh, Changbin" you replied

"Are you free today?" he asked hoping for a yes

"No..i mean i'm thankful for yesterday but i didn't change my mind so i'd prefer if you could just ignore me..that would be better" you bit your lower lip in regret

"It's ok. I understand. But I too, didn't change my mind" he said smiling a little

"About what?" you asked

"Keep you safe" he replied looking in your eyes

You just kept walking cause you didn't know what to say

You wanted to tell him that you don't fear death and that you don't like when people finds out too much about your life, but this didn't felt right, you were really thankful for what he did the other day, so you just kept silent.

During lunch time, you were eating on a table in the corner of the school cafeteria.

Chang Mi and Se Yeon approached you with a smirk on their face, looking at eachother

You felt uncomfortable so you stood up.

Se Yeon pulled your hair so you moaned a little.

You turned back to face them.
"Are you done yet?" you said giving her a death stare

At this point you didn't really mind being hit, you just hated the fact that they would never do that when adults are watching, just like cowards.

"Look at this bitch" she said scoffing

You walked away with your tray, trying to avoid being humiliated in front of everyone as always

Chang Mi made you trip with her foot.

You hit the ground and stained your hoodie of food and everyone laughed.

You stood up as you were about to cry and ran to your class to get changed

You were almost having a mental breakdown

You then realized you didn't bring anything to get changed to and cursed under your breath

The door swung open

𝑇𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑂𝑓 𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑛 {Seo Changbin}Where stories live. Discover now