° • CHAPTER 6 • °

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Teacher: "Guys, please sit down and take your notes, let's start the lesson"

Changbin peeked at your empty seat, then rested his head on the table

"What happened yesterday? What if she's hurt.. Her phone was turned off too" he thought to himself.

It's been two weeks since you didn't go to school.

"No one will miss me anyway, so what's the point" you said with the razor in your hand

You were about to cut your wrist as the doorbell rang.

You dropped the razor, then locked the door of the bathroom and put on a hoodie.

You opened the door.

"Y/n" Changbin said looking in your eyes

Y/n: "What are you doing here? How did you know where i live?"

Changbin: "I was worried. I thought something bad may have happened to you. I called you many times but your phone was off" he said making you look straight into his worried eyes

Y/n: "It broke. Everything's fine, you can leave now." you said looking away still confused

Changbin: "Y/n.."
Y/n: "I'm really fine" you almost screamed

Changbin: "Then why is blood dripping down your wrists?" he asked freaking out.

You started panicking.

Y/n: "I just hurt myself. It's nothing" you tried to not let him find out

Changbin: "It doesn't seem like it's nothing y/n.. not at all"

Y/n: "I said i'm fine. Now leave please." your words became colder

Changbin: "I've already seen them..you don't have to hide them from me. It's ok."

You froze.
He seemed so calm and warm that you almost cried

Changbin: "Let me treat them, they'll leave scars" he said grabbing your wrists gently

You couldn't help but stare at him.
No one ever cared for you, they always made fun of you. But this time was different.

"Done" he said with a gentle and soft voice

He then pulled you into a hug "you're not alone anymore"

You began crying so he tightned the hug.

Changbin: "It's ok if you hate me, but make sure you come to school, I'll do anything to keep you safe" he said slowly breaking the hug

You nodded, then he smiled.

Changbin: "My name's Changbin, don't forget it."

Without even knowing, you finally smiled.

𝑇𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑂𝑓 𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑛 {Seo Changbin}Where stories live. Discover now