First day of Work (Part 1)

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Nora’s POV
I woke up this morning by the sound of my alarm from my phone, blaring ‘Toosie Slide’. I sat up on the bed, yawning and stretching my hands. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my palm and stopped the alarm. It was 5:00 which meant I had three more hours to start work. I brushed my teeth and had my shower.

I changed into a white long-sleeved shirt and a black form-fitting skirt. I matched them with a pair of black high heels. I put my waist length hair of cascading ocean waves.

I grab my worn out Calvin Klein handbag and put in lip gloss, money and my phone. I went to Karina’s door and started knocking, “Karina”, I said, elongating her name.

She muttered an ‘I’m coming’ and opened the door, rubbing her eyes to adjust to the lighting in the corridor. Her hair was a total mess. I asked, “Karina, open your eyes very well and tell me how I look.” “Okay, you look awesome but are you going to seduce Mr. Anderson or what,” she asked, leaning on the doorframe.

“I don’t want to risk my job, okay”, I replied. I had coffee, said my goodbye to Karina and left the house at 6:00 to catch the early bus. I arrived at Xavy’s Architecture at 6:45. I guess I’m too early.

There, in front of me, stood erect in New York City, the Xavy’s Architecture building. It was a twenty-two floor building. I opened the door leading to the building and approached the receptionist.

“Hi, please which floor is Mr. Anderson’s floor?” She looked me up and down before answering, “I guess you are one of his assistants. He is on the last floor. Let’s see how long you last.” I rolled my eyes and walked to the elevator. I entered and pressed Floor 22, then it pricked me. One of his assistants. How many assistants was he going to have?

Just then, I heard a ‘ding’ and walked out of the elevator. There were three offices on the floor. I walked down the deserted corridor and saw a wooden mahogany door with an inscription written in gold at the top of the door, “Mr. Xavier Anderson, CEO”. I exhaled air and knocked on the door. I heard a ‘come in’ and entered the office.

There was this blonde standing in front of Mr. Anderson. She had greenish-gray eyes and pouted lips. She had on her face umpteen layers of makeup. She was dressed in a white long-sleeved and a black form fitting skirt just like me but she had opened the first two buttons of the shirt, showing excess cleavage and her skirt was not a little bit above her knee like mine but hers was on her mid-thigh.

How could you dress like this to work? I greeted Mr. Anderson and he just nodded at me. I went to stand beside that blonde. Mr. Anderson cleared his throat saying, “Miss Roberts, meet your co-assistant, Miss Grey. Miss Grey, your co-assistant, Miss Roberts.” I extended out my hand but she just looked at my hand and turned away. I rolled my eyes again.

Mr. Anderson continued, “Now to you, Miss Grey. You are going to be faxing the documents and running errands which involve leaving this premises to collect documents from other companies. You will go out at 11:00 am to collect lunch for the three of us at “Umbrella’s Inn”.  You will receive my visitors or anyone who comes to see me. That is what you will do”.

“Now to you, Miss Roberts. You are supposed to schedule my meetings and you don’t leave the premises unless I tell you to do so. You will also proof read my emails and documents for me. You bring my coffee to me at 7:00am in the morning; black with no sugar. You will also serve me my late lunch in case we are supposed to work extra hours.”

“The two of you will both escort me to every single meeting or any conferences I will have outside this country. Now you both can leave to go and see your individual offices”.

And with that Miss Grey and I left his office. Our offices were on either sides of Mr. Anderson’s office. My door was a wooden mahogany door with an inscription written in silver at the top of the door, “Miss Nora Roberts”.

I don’t know but I already started hating Miss Evelyn Grey. Don’t ask me how I got to know her first name. I saw it in front of her door. My office had two walls made of glass giving a better view of the city.

The other allowed Mr. Anderson to see inside my office while I could see him too. There was a door leading to a bathroom. I sat in the chair and spun around. I saw Mr. Anderson looking at me so I quickly stopped. 

It was 6:50 so I left to go and make his coffee for him on the 21st floor. I did it just how he liked it; black with no sugar. I got back on the floor and knocked his door at 6:53.

I entered and saw Miss Grey sitting on one of the two empty seats in front of him, smirking my way. I just said to Mr. Anderson, “Sir, I brought your coffee”. I placed it on his table and he replied, “I like people who work very early. I said 7:00 and you brought it earlier. I like that. Take your seat”. I sat down beside Miss Grey.

Mr. Anderson continued, “Miss Grey, these are the documents you are supposed to fax and send them to the appropriate companies I’ll email to you. Miss Roberts, take these documents. Proof read them and bring them back to me when you are done”.

He paused for some time and continued, “Miss Grey, I prefer you call me Mr. Anderson not Xavy”. He said with a glare toward her.

I stifled a laugh and they both looked at me. I muttered a ‘sorry’ under my breath. “You can leave”, Mr. Anderson said and with that to our office Evelyn and I headed. I think I can tolerate Evelyn---Note the sarcasm.  

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