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Nora's POV
I still can't believe I couldn't find my resume. I put it in my Calvin Klein handbag and there is certainly no hole in the bag. Put yourself and my shoes.

I arrived home at 7:00am tired, weary and sad. I knew I wasn't going to receive any phone call from Xavy's Architecture. I picked my phone from the bed side counter and dialed, Renée, my sister's number. After three rings she picked up.

"Hello sissy", she said.

"Hi, Renée. I have some news for you. I don't know how you are going to take it".

She asked, "Why do you sound so pathetic? Are you sad?"

"You will get to understand -I paused to sniff - why I sound like this".

I narrated everything that happened from the requirement of an assistant to my present pathetic state.

I said amidst tears, "Renée, all hope is lost. I doubt I will be able to further your education. I don't know what to do again"

"Come on, Nora, what the hell is wrong. You are scaring me".

I replied, "I went to grant an interview today and thankfully, I put my resume in my bag but couldn't find it when I got there. I...I just don't know wh....what to do", amidst tears.

We spoke for about fifteen minutes. We were all crying by the end of the call. I was crying because all hope was lost and it was her dream to further her education. I was her support but the devil got his way. I went to my room after the call to sleep a little while.

Upon reaching the room, my phone rang and I picked it up. It was my best friend, Karina. “Hello, Nora”, she said as soon as I picked up, giving me no chance to even exchange pleasantries. She sounded weary and pathetic more than I was. I asked, “Karina, why do you sound like this?”

She replied, “Okay, so my rent expired and I wasn’t able to pay it so my landlady just threw me out of the house. I was calling to ask if…if…uhm…” I asked, “If what, Karina. Talk, if it’s in my capacity than I’d do it for you. You know you are my only best friend and what are friends for?”

“I was just asking if I could stay with you for some time then maybe if I get a job, I move out”, Karina said lowly. I smiled and replied, “In fact, you could come over and stay till you get married because I feel too lonely in this three-bedroom house all alone.” She squealed and muttered a bunch of ‘thank yous’ before ending the call.

After about twenty minutes she arrived in the house with all her luggages. I showed her to one of the remaining two bedrooms and she selected the one she liked. We went to the sitting room and turned on the television and started talking.

I asked, “Karina, you know you never told me how you lost your job.” She put on a sad face, “I was accused of stealing a file and was sacked. I don’t know how I will even get a job because it will be in my resume that I was sacked from by previous job for stealing a file.”

“Don’t worry. If I get a job, I will take care of the two of us. You know how I longed to have a sister”, I said with a grin. She gave me the ‘are you serious’ look and I just nodded. I started telling her what happened to me at Xavy’s Architecture today when my phone rang. It was an unknown number.

Karina nodded at me and I picked the phone, “Hello”. “Hello, is this Nora Roberts”, the voice said. I replied in the affirmative. Then the voice said, “Congratulations, you have won the position of the assistant to Mr. Xavier Anderson. Your job starts on Monday. Be there by 8:00am”, and with that the voice ended the call.

I squealed and jumped on Karina hugging the life out of her. “I. Can’t. Breathe,” she said dramatically. I stopped hugging her and spilled the news to her. I called Renée and told her about how I got the job. “You know Karina, this calls for celebration”, I told Karina and she nodded.

She went to change into a pair of ripped jeans and a turtle neck top. She matched it with a pair of Nike sneakers.

I also changed into a pair of black leggings with hugged my curves and a blue crop top. I tied a blue long-sleeved top around my waist because I didn’t feel comfortable with people watching my butt. I matched them with a pair of black Balenciaga. We headed to a restaurant called, “Dine with Mufty”.

We both ordered pasta with beef sauce and chicken. We also ordered some soft drinks. We rose our glasses and clicked them against each other while I shouted, “Cheers to my new job”. Karina also shouted, “Cheers to God for giving me someone to cater for me”. We both laughed our souls away, paid for our bills and headed home.

I was now living with Karina so I didn’t sleep naked. I lied down on my bed wondering how my first day at work was going to be. I was thinking when my eyelids started become heavy and I drifted into the land of sleep.  

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