recovery pt 2

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snows pov;

when he asked me that I remembered everything I kinda hurt my head a bit but I just ignored it

snow; yes someone scared me and i fell down a ladder and hit my head and black took over my body

griffin; here take these pain meds do you need anything to eat because you look hungry

he hands me the pain meds I was hungry but I didn't want anything to eat but I didnt say that because he really did notice that I was hungry so i know he won't take no for an answer so I just asked for

snow; well can i have some orange juice and 1 pancake please

griffin; ok i will go make in now

he walks out of the room as soon as the door shut i waited about a minute and i got out of bed to go find my dad i mean my head still hurt but i ignored it i found my dads room and went in he was just lied there asleep so i went to his bed to wake him up

snow; psst dad wake up please

i whispered yelled but my dad didn't wake up dre did i just stood there not knowing what to do

dre; he snow you need to go rest where is griffin he should be with you wait you shouldet even be out of bed

snow; but i want to talk to my dad

he gets out of bed and he picks me up and takes me to my room all i wanted to do was just talk to my dad what was wrong with that

dre; you need to stay in bed and rest you fell pretty hard on your head ik you wnt to talk to your dad but he is tired just let him sleep ok

when dre said that griffin came in with my pancake and orange juice he hands me the food and drink

snow; thank you

griffin; hey dre what are doing in here its so early

dre; well snow here decided to get out of bed and try to wake her dad up so i came and put her back in bed

griffin; oh ok snow i need you to stay in bed for 3 days dre and your dad will be going to the mall to get you some colouring books and puzzles because you ae not aloud on your phone or laptop or tv ok

snow; but i feel fine i promise i am

griffin; ok you have to stay in bed today and tomorrow morning you can do whatever you want ok is that fine dre

dre; well you need to tell tony but i think its ok

giffin; ok well i need to get going back to sway make sure she stayes in bed please

dre; ok i will make sure someone is with her while we go to the mall

they both walked out after i finished my breakfast i put the plate to the side and i just lay there looking up at the ceiling just minding my own buisness when my door opend i seen all the girls they came in nikita because i dont get on with here but anyway they came in with teddys and bollons

snow; you didnt need to get this for me im fine

avani; well we got it for you so you have to accept it

snow; haha ok thanks

they put the bollons near my bed and put the teddy bares on the chair in the corner of the room

addison; so how are you feeling

snow; i am feeling good i am just board

mia; well when you get better we need to have a girls day ok

the girls; yes we do

snow; ok

we talked a bit more when my dad walked in he was still a bit tired

dad; hey girls can i talk to snow please in private

the girls; yes sure bye snow

my dad walked in the room and the grils walked out he shut the door behind him

dad; how are you do you need anything

snow; im fine dad an no i dont need anything

i heard tht you tried to wake me up elier on im sorry i diddnt wake up i was just tierd but you shouldnt of got out of bed ok i want you to get better so please stay in bed while me and dre go to the mall ok i ust want you to listen this one time ok

snow; yes ok im sorry if you didnt adopt me all this wouldnt of happend

dad; hey please dont say that it happens ok i see you have teddys there

snow; yes what about them

dad; well you know nick well he loves teddys so he will steal them especially the big one

snow; well make sure he doesnt see them

as soon as i said that nick comes in

nick; hey snow have you seen your da.. oh hi tony are you ok do you want any food

he looks in the corner where all the teddys where he justs runs up to them and grabs all of them and takes them out of my room to his

snow; what did i just witness

tony; ok you need some rest now me and dre are going to the mall now i will have someone to come cheak on you every 30 mins ok

snow; ok i love you dad


well that just happend how will tony react as you can tell i am new to this so please bare with me with my firs book i know i should of said this in the first chapter but i dont want to be like ll the outheres who beg for votes or reads im just putting that out there but anyway bye see you in the next chapter

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