When Teruhashi went over to Saiki house

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Y/n pov
I sensed something bad going over to Kuu's house so I went over a bit earlier than I was supposed to. The cake that I bought will start to rot if I stay here any longer anyways. I teleported to behind a pole (yes I'm a psychic as well) and walked over to Kuu's house like a normal person. I took out their keys and invited myself in. Unsurprisingly Kuu's wasn't there. Kuu's mom came out though.

"Oh, hello Y/n! Kuu chan went to Yuuta's house. Are those cake?" She gestured to the bags I was holding. There's coffee jello as well.

"Yeah. You can have a cake before you go to the committee meeting mom." Kuu's mom always told me to call her mom so I did.

"Wahhh thank you so much Y/n!!! I'll go choose one right now!" I got the box on the table, excused myself and went over to their neighbour's house, which was Yuuta's and his mom. I rung the doorbell and Yuuta came to open the door.

"Y/n onee-chan! Long time no see!!" The energetic child reached up to me and I picked him up.

"How's the bravest child in the world doing?" I asked as I went inside. Kuu was standing in the doorway just before the spot for shoes.

"Hey. What are you here for?"

"I got coffee jello and cake." Kuu went over to me and started to put his shoes on. I was still holding Yuuta as we walked out of the house and to Kuu's.

"Hey hey Y/n onee-chan, do I get cake as well?" Yuuta asked as me and Kuu were taking our shoes off.

"Of course! You can choose one after Kuu does ok?"

"Yay!!" We went over to the table with Yuuta still in my arms and we saw mom coming from the kitchen holding the box of cake.

"Aww, you and Kuu look like a cute couple!" She fangirled over us. Kuu's face was blank as ever and I was laughing to the point I had to put Yuuta down.

"Mom, don't joke around." I said as I wiped off my tears, even thought I know that she's actually meaning it.

"But you 2 DO look good, especially with Yuuta in your arms you look like a couple." Mom pouted before setting the box down.

"Alright mom. Yuuta you can choose any cake expect for the brownish coloured one."

"You mentioned coffee jello and cake before, but I can't see coffee jello anywhere."

"The brown one's a coffee jello-flavoured cake, that's why Yuuta can't have it. Made especially for you since they don't make this kind of food anywhere." I said as I took a sip of my iced Americano that was next to my bag. Yuuta was already stuffing his mouth full with cake.

"Thanks." He said as we sat down.

"No prob. Yuuta don't eat so fast, you'll choke." I laughed a bit before going back to sip my drink.

"Aren't you gonna eat anything, Y/n onee-chan?"

"Nah." I replied as I wiped off his face with all the crumbs on his face.

(If words r in cursive letters it means u and Kuu r telepathing k)

"Are you on a diet?"


"Then why aren't you eating?"

"Because I need leftover cake for Terushashi to know that I got cake and her buying cake is pointless."

"She's gonna buy cake?"


"Ok. Thanks. But there's 2 pieces of cake here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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