'It's like rubbing more salt on a freshly cut wound.' It did hurt, she admits. Seeing him once more, she realized how much she missed him. Her heart soared when David talks to her, when he smiles her way. Sometimes, Callista wished she could control her own heart so she shouldn't worry about anything at all.

She laughed, finding the whole thing comical. "Being this heartbroken do make you go bonkers, right? Here I am, having my cat as my unpaid therapist."

Cleo meowed again and licked her chin to which Callie responded with a giggle.

"Yeah, let's just wait and see." She says, standing up and carrying Cleo.

Her glass window was illuminating the London lights, with the dark velvet skies littered with shimmering dusts.

"I just wish things will be better this time." She murmurs.


"I'm sorry, sweetie, but it's a no." She smiled tightly as the auditioner was seconds away from crying and stormed off the stage.

"God, I hate this."

"Not me." Simon quipped, taking a sip from his beverage.

The girls rolled their eyes.

"It's because your heart is cold and distant, old man."

Simon's eyebrow raised. Although his tone was serious, the corners of his mouth were twitching. "You're really going there, Callista?"

Callie bit her lip to stop herself from snickering and held up her hands in mock surrender.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I forgot you can't catch up sometimes."

Amanda and Alesha guffawed whilst David smiled fondly at the philanthropist's direction.

Was it possible to fall for her harder than David already is? His heart was constantly thundering inside his chest, fearing he might garner a heart attack.

David felt happy.

Four bulky looking men came up on stage, each wearing similar black jackets. They were all tall with curly hair and tan skin, almost identical.

"Hello." Alesha addressed. "What are your names and where do you live?"

Amanda and Callista glanced at each other, noting that the men were good looking in a rugged kind of way. Amanda winked playfully.

David caught on to their actions and gripped his pen tightly.

"Hi, my name's Oliver." The one in the microphone answers, his tone a deep timbre.

"These are Matthew, Lucas, and next to me is Lawrence. We live in West London. We are called 'Bulky Bros'."

Callie covered her fascination with a cough.

"Welcome, Bulky Bros. Are you brothers?"

Oliver nodded, showing off his white pearly teeth. David restrained his eye-roll.

The Prince's Pursuit (David Walliams)Where stories live. Discover now