They destroyed my motherland ...

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As the buildings collapsed like domino peices, however, now with fire and rubble everywhere, Mohsin didnt have a clue where to go or who to help. The israeli tanks had already bombed the buildings before any civillians had a chance to be evacuated.


I dont know what to do. All I could see is dust everywhere so I tried blowing it away from my eyes but it just wouldn't help. I could hear the screams of INNOCENT and SCARED palistinians, gasping for there very last breath. "Mohsin!" shouted Muta'alib my close childhood friend. "Get a grip!" As I followed Muta'alib, I heard the eery cry of what seemed like a scream of a child. It was under the pile of debrie. As Muta'alib and I moves the debrie aside with our bare hands, I felt a small hand trying to get hold of me . I looked at Muta'alib . Our hands began to tremble yet dig faster .  I soon noticed that the child was not alone yet with someone holding on to the child. As we pulled out both Mother and child, we soon realised that the mother was no longer alive.

The child grabbed onto me, screaming and pleading for his mother.

I couldn't let him see his mother. I had to act fast because we heard the israeli tanks coming towards us.

We had to run for our lives.

I held the child who was crying with fear and confusion. I got up and held the child tight near me.

I started to run when...

Suddenly I felt a piercing pain, shoot through my trembling leg.

At that moment I knew I had been shot.


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