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As I entered the dim lit room, still wondering who the young lady, aged about 20 was, I walked towards Mama as she gave me most overwhelming hug.
Mama spoke
"Mohsin this is Laila.She was alone so I decided to bring her with me.Is that okay?" Mama question with a slow sigh.

I looked left as to where Laila was sitting , her head down. I nodded at Mama.But before I could say anything the child awoke , looking around.
Mama questioned" so who is this?" with a smile looking at the child.
"Hamza" spoke he child giggling with hapinness.
Mama held the child and took him in the corner to drink some water.Then from the corner of my eyes I saw Laila looking at me. Looking back at her, she quickly looked back down.

Laila's P.O.V
I looked at Mohsin. He looked back.Then I quickly turned back knowing he was still looking. I didn't know if was supposed to say something.

Then he said" Where's your family?"
I gulped. I replied quickly " I don't have family." His face converted from pale to red. Then he looked down.

Mama looked and me and Mohsin and smiled.
I looked back at him.This time he was already looking at me.
He was around 6ft 5, grey eyes, and he just looked around 21.

Throughout that whole night , hearing the horrifying sounds outside, we all stayed awake.

" Laila and Mohsin get come sleep. Allah (swt) know what will happen tommorow"
We both looked at each other with confusion.

Fixing my hijab and covering the strands of hair that leapt outside my hijab, Mohsin looked away, knowing he shouldn't look.

Soon my eyes fluttered to sleep.

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