Chapter 4 Party Crashers

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Y/N's pov

  "What the hell are you doing now?" I sighed walking into the room with Melissa, I watched Michiru jump up and try to do a flip only to land on her back "Keep that up you might get a concussion."

  "I was hoping this would help turn me back to my human form."

"You're as strange as they come." Melissa spoke as I stared at the younger girl "You got a call from city hall."

"City hall?" She looked at us in confusion before turning to me "Will you be coming with me?"

I placed my jacket on heading towards the door "Sorry I have things to do. Shirou is out on a mission and I have some errands to run."

  I waved bye to both Melissa and Michiru before leaving the co-cops. Today was just a normal errands day, go get some Firebull, stop by the bank, then pick up something's for home. Shirou finished the last of the coffee and I had a headache from the lack of caffeine.

  I sighed walking around when a small man started running my way holding a purse, I could hear a female yelling behind him. I stuck my foot out tripping the guy causing him to run head first into the pavement. I grabbed the purse out of his arms and handed it to the panting female beastman.

"Thank you so much!" She bowed "Can I do anything to repay you?"

"Just a Firebull." I smiled as we walked passed the fallen thief. I usually say no to offers of repayment but I really needed some caffeine.

I thanked the women as we stepped out of line, waving bye I headed towards the bank. I sighed waiting in line, two beastmen started to go at it in front of me. It took a while but I finally reached the counter. I cashed in a few of my checks before leaving. As I exited the bank I spotted Marie Itami, she waved at me calling me over.

"Just thought I let you know the tanuki girl opened up a tab in your husbands name." She smirked turning away "Make sure to tell him to pay up soon."

  I pulled out my phone sending a quick text to Shirou, he was probably still busy before continuing towards the market. I remembered Michiru's ID card having her birthday on it which happened to be today, even if she did open a tab in Shirou's name she deserved some kind of gift. I walked into the store grabbing a bag of coffee beans, a six pack of Firebull, and a vanilla cupcake.

  I walked back into the co-ops to see Michiru still out. Sighing to myself I headed towards Shirou's and my shared room grabbing a book before falling onto our bed. I stretched my arms a few hours later after finishing my book. Placing it back on the shelf I opened my phone to see a message from Shirou. Looked liked he was annoyed by the tab.

Pocketing my phone I decided to to for a walk. I had nothing better to do as I headed down the stairs. I arrived around the beach when something in the water caught my eyes, closing them I turned to my beast form and focused on the scents. Shit! It was Flip's daughter and Michiru in her human form swimming out of the city.

Changing back I called Shirou reaching his voice mail before sighing. I turned and walked towards the docks finding a fisherman with his boat. Explaining the situation and handing the man some cash I asked for a ride across the water. The ride was slow but I thanked the man as soon as we docked, waving as he left.

Getting off the boat I walked around looking for a safe place to transform. Not many humans were out at this time which I was grateful for as I slipped into an alley. Changing back to my beastmen form I closed my eyes and stared to focus on the scents around me, looking for Michiru's. She was a few blocks away from me and seemed to be around a lot of humans. I changed back before running towards the area with her scent.

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