Chapter 5 I Don't Play Baseball

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Y/N's pov

  "Y/N why are you entertaining her?" Shirou asked as I grabbed the basketball from Michiru's hands, I just shrugged "Tanuki aren't you able to turn back into a human?"

  "Yes but I like it in the form better, it's more convenient."

  "Too slow." I smirked as I jumped up making a basket "Better luck next time."

  I threw the ball back at her before walking over to Shirou. I groaned noticing him taking the entire lounge chair up and just sat on his legs. He raised an eyebrow as I got comfortable on him.

"Being a tanuki is easier huh?" Shirou sighed before lifting me off his legs, I shot him a glare having just sat down "Stop with the glaring. You want to go out and get a Firebull?"

I smiled jumping up and grabbing his hand. Best husband ever! I turned to wave bye to Michiru before both Shirou and I left the co-ops.

"I still don't see how you drink those everyday?" Shirou sighed wrapping an arm around my waist, the two of us were walking around town when his phone buzzed. Pulling it out he answered the call "Ogami, yes we'll be there shortly."

"Mayor?" I asked as he placed his phone away, he nodded his head.

"Tell me Mr and Mrs Ogami." Mayor Rose stared as both Shirou and I leaned against the wall "Have either of you played baseball?"


  "Then have you ever bet on baseball?"

  "Huh?" I looked over at the mayor in confusion "What do you mean?"

"I want you to get proof of the baseball gambling that's been going on in the city. The dodo beastmen went extinct in yesterday's game." I watched as the mayor rest her head against her fist "I wonder which beastmen species will go extinct next."

"Let's not find out." I pushed myself off the wall walking closer to the Mayor.

"Y/N I want you to go to the stadium and see if you can find any leads." Mayor Rose spoke "Shirou see if you can track down the beastmen behind this, they are most likely connected some way to the Family."

  I nodded my head before following Shirou out of the office. I sighed to myself as we reached the bottom floor, Shirou looked over at me raising an eyebrow.

  "Have I ever told you how much I hate beastmen baseball."

  "I can think of a few times." He smirked kissing my head softly "Contact me if you find anything."

Waving bye to Shirou the two of us headed our separate ways. I arrived at the baseball field to find it empty as usual and took a seat on the stands. The teams came running out and I raised an eyebrow noticing Michiru on the bears side. Great what was she doing here?

  I studied the game and everyone around the area, the announcer pointing out how the bears coach kept making signs for a bunt. Something seemed off about it. Michiru was next to bat, the ball came flying her way as her arms grew into gorilla ones. I rubbled my temple in annoyance watching as the ball was hit far, Michiru started to run, her legs morphing into those of a cheetah.

"Shirou, we have an issue." I called him after the game finished, the bears won "The tanuki is on the baseball team and let's just say she's not acting like her species. I'm concerned someone else might pick up on her body morphing. Also I suggest following the coach of the bears, something seems off about him."

"Great. More problems." He sighed over the phone "I'll follow him once he leaves the field. I'll speak with you later."

  "You find anything?" I asked as Shirou headed my way a few hours later  "Apparently Michiru is going to be staying with the bears till their last game."

BNA Shirou x Reader Wolves of Silver and Gold (editing)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα